ICS News Highlights

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The first portable robotic unit for recyclable materials sorting wins the Green Innovation award at the Greek Green...
Establishment of “YPSILON Care Tech”: The new Spin-Off of the Institute of Computer Science - FORTH in Digital Health...
Πρωτιά σε Πανελλήνιο Διαπανεπιστημιακό Διαγωνισμό Φοιτητών του CSD
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1st Place Award in the international emotion recognition challenge from EEG signals
2025 News Highlights

Past News

  • Pharos - the Greek AI Factory
    The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas (FORTH) participates in the project “Pharos: the Greek AI Factory”, one of the first 7 AI Factories of the European Union. The proposal that was submitted...
    Date: 17.12.2024
  • Great Distinction for CeHA at IΗE Connectathon 2024
    Great Distinction for CeHA at IΗE Connectathon 2024 The award-winning software suite "Integrated Care Solutions" (ICS), which has been developed by the Center for eHealth Applications and Services (CeHA) of the Institute of Computer Science of...
    Date: 12.08.2024
  • "Cretan Business Magazine" honors the ICS FORTH
    The 20th issue of "Cretan Business magazine" features an extensive tribute to the significant contributions of the FORTH laboratories in bridging the gap between research and entrepreneurship.
    Date: 26.07.2024
  • Προκήρυξη και Διαδικασία εκλογής μελών ΕΣΙ και ΕΤΔΠ του ΙΠ
    Ο Διευθυντής του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφορικής του ΙΤΕ, Δημήτριος Πλεξουσάκης, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη: Τη λήξη της θητείας του Επιστημονικού Συμβουλίου του ΙΠ την 02/09/2024 Το Άρθρο 15 του Ν. 4386/2016, που τροποποιεί το Άρθρο 17 του Ν. 4310/2014 που...
    Date: 10.07.2024
  • First Meeting of the Public Sector Innovation Group
    The first meeting of the Innovation Group, which was established in order to support the General Secretariat of Public Administration in the formulation of the National Action Plan for Innovation in the Public Sector (ESDK), took place on Friday,...
    Date: 08.11.2023
  • CeHA team in the 2023 IHE European Connectathon Week
    The award-winning software “Integrated Care Solutions” (ICS), developed by the Center for eHealth Applications and Services (CeHA) of the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH successfully tested its conformance towards the IHE (Integrating the...
    Date: 23.10.2023
  • Visit by CISCO/ThousandEyes to the ICS, FORTH
    On Monday, September 18, 2023 executives from CISCO/ThousandEyes visited the facilities of FORTH in Heraklion, Crete. This visit marked a significant milestone following CISCO/ThousandEyes' acquisition of CodeBGP, a spin-off company affiliated with...
    Date: 25.09.2023
  • Kubernetes now available for RISC-V processors
    Heraklion, Greece - August 3, 2023 - Researchers of the Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS), FORTH, announced today the availability of K3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution, for...
    Date: 03.08.2023
  • FORTH-ICS Spin-off company Code BGP acquired by Cisco
    The Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is delighted to announce the acquisition of Code BGP, a FORTH-incubated startup, by Cisco, the world leader in network technology. The Code BGP team...
    Date: 02.08.2023
  • The Science of Creativity by Prof. Mark Runco
    A recorded zoom webinar organized on Thursday 8 June 2023 by the “IDEON Creativity Cradle” project of FORTH-ICS in the context of celebrating 40 years of FORTH.
    Date: 15.06.2023
  • AsiaCCS 23 Distinguished paper award
    The paper entitled “BinWrap: Hybrid Protection Against Native Node.js Add-ons” by George Christou (FORTH-ICS), Grigoris Ntousakis (Brown University), Eric Lahtinen (Aarno Labs), Sotiris Ioannidis (TU Crete and FORTH-ICS), Vasileios P. Kemerlis (...
    Date: 07.06.2023
  • ICS-FORTH and the Region of Crete in the Basque Country
    A delegation of the Region of Crete led by the Center for eHealth Applications and Services of the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation of Research and Technology Hellas (ICS-FORTH), carried out a Twinning program with the Health Services...
    Date: 25.05.2023
  • RISER: Raising RISC-V to the cloud
    RISER Project is chartered to develop the first all-European RISC-V cloud server infrastructure, significantly enhancing Europe's strategic autonomy in open-source technologies. This project will leverage and validate open hardware high-speed...
    Date: 03.02.2023
  • CeHA team in the 2022 IHE European Connectathon Week
    The Center for eHealth Applications and Services (CeHA) of the Institute of Computer Science, of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH-ICS) tested the conformance of the award-winning software “Integrated Care Solutions” (ICS)...
    Date: 14.12.2022
  • PERSIST - How to Compute in Persistent Memory Systems
    Conventional main memory technologies (DRAM) loose the data they store in case of a reset of the computing system they reside, which might occur, e.g., due to a power outage, some other failure, or a typical shut-down. This leads to the necessity of...
    Date: 25.11.2022
  • ERA Chair in Biodiversity Computing at ICS-FORTH
    The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (FORTH), the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and the Karlsruhe Institute of technology (KIT) are excited to announce that Dr....
    Date: 10.11.2022
  • Βραδιά του Ερευνητή 2022
    Μετά από δυο χρόνια χωρίς επισκέπτες, το ΙΤΕ άνοιξε τις πόρτες του ξανά την Παρασκευή 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022 και το Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής παρουσίασε στο κοινό τα τελευταία του επιτεύγματα.
    Date: 05.10.2022
  • ERA Chair in Astro-Informatics at ICS-FORTH
    The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research & Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is excited to announce that Dr. Jean-Luc Starck of CEA/Saclay (France), with a major financial support by the European Commission of an ERA (...
    Date: 28.07.2022
  • TRUSTEE project
    Today we live in a data-driven era with the inevitable emergence of interdisciplinary, geographically dispersed, data repositories that do not necessarily abide with existing interdisciplinary data representation standards, nor they belong to any...
    Date: 08.06.2022
  • N2Women: Stars in Computer Networking and Communications 2021
    Η διεθνής επιστημονική κοινότητα στην ερευνητική περιοχή των δικτύων και τηλεπικοινωνιών, N2Women, επιλέγει κάθε χρόνο ερευνήτριες που έχουν διακριθεί στον τομέα αυτό και τις συμπεριλαμβάνει στην ετήσια λίστα «Stars in Computer Networking and...
    Date: 19.01.2022
  • Έργο ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΣ - σειρά συναντήσεων διεπιστημονικής συνεργασίας
    Το Κέντρο Πολιτισμικής Πληροφορικής του ΙΤΕ στα πλαίσια του έργου ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΣ διοργανώνει σειρά συναντήσεων διεπιστημονικής συνεργασίας με επιστήμονες των ανθρωπιστικών σπουδών για θέματα επιστημολογίας που επηρεάζουν την κατασκευή οντολογιών και...
    Date: 14.09.2021 to 07.10.2021
    Στην Έκθεση Αθλητικής Ρομποτικής, Ηλεκτρονικού και Μηχανοκίνητου Αθλητισμού, που διεξήχθη στις 8/9/2021, παράλληλα με τον τελικό του Παγκόσμιου Πρωταθλήματος esports WRC στο ΟΑΚΑ, συμμετείχε το Εργαστήριο Αλληλεπίδρασης Ανθρώπου-Υπολογιστή του...
    Date: 10.09.2021
  • SIGCOMM 2021 Best Paper Award
    The paper entitled "Seven years in the life of Hypergiants' off-nets", co-authored by researchers from the Institute of Computer Science of FORTH Lefteris Manassakis, George Nomikos, Vasileios Kotronis and Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, won the Best...
    Date: 31.08.2021
  • Best Paper Award at DBSEC 2021
    The paper entitled as “A Rewarding Framework for Crowdsourcing to Increase Privacy Awareness” by Ioannis Chrysakis, Giorgos Flouris, Maria Makridaki, Theodore Patkos, Yannis Roussakis, Georgios Samaritakis, Nikoleta Tsabanaki, Elias Tzortzakakis,...
    Date: 26.07.2021
  • Εναρκτήρια συνάντηση του έργου ΠΡΩΤΕΑΣ
    Ολοκληρώθηκε με επιτυχία την Πέμπτη 05 Νοεμβρίου 2020 η εναρκτήρια συνάντηση του έργου ΠΡΩΤΕΑΣ «ΠΡοηγμένο σύστημα συλλογής και διαχείρισης αναλυτικΩν δεδομένων για την ανοιχτή προς το κοινό ΤΕκμηρίωση, και συντήρηση ζωγρΑφικών έργων τέχνηΣ μεγάλων...
    Date: 13.11.2020
  • DEBATELAB: From linked data to linkedn arguments
    DebateLab is a new project of the Research and Technology Foundation (FORTH) in collaboration with the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD). The project intends to pioneer research towards developing the required theoretical...
    Date: 24.07.2020
  • Launch of ReKnow Project (Marie Curie Individual Fellowship) 
    The ReKnow project is a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship granted to Dr. Pavlos Fafalios, postdoctoral researcher of the Information Systems Laboratory at ICS-FORTH. The project aims at providing models and tools for supporting researchers in...
    Date: 24.06.2020
  • Spider 5G CYBER RANGE
    Prof. Sotiris Ioannidis and his team is participating to SPIDER H2020 FUNDED PROJECT
    Date: 30.03.2020
  • ExaNeSt Project Successfully Builds Prototype for Exascale
    Today the whole world is trying to push supercomputer technology to the exascale level, i.e. a billion billion calculations per second. In Europe, this exascale vision will be made possible with contributions by Consortia funded by the Horizon 2020...
    Date: 16.09.2019
    Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Dr. Angelina Kouroubali and Ioannis Karatzanis, members of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) are the winners of the International SlideWiki open courseware...
    Date: 12.12.2018
  • One more ERC Proof of Concept Grant for FORTH
    Assistant Professor Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, ERC Starting Grant holder, was awarded with the ERC Proof of Concept grant during the last round of the application process for the PHILOS project. 
    Date: 12.02.2018
  • HOBBIT celebrates its second year!
    We are very happy to announce that HOBBIT is now two years old! The project consortium members were very active in this year and worked extensively towards the project’s major results: benchmark development, deployment of the HOBBIT platform...
    Date: 22.01.2018
  • Dhealth Conference 2017
    The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas (FORTH) participates at the Annual Meeting for stakeholders and specialists in eHealth ecosystems, Dhealth Conference 2017 that will be held at Technopolis...
    Date: 01.11.2017
  • Hobbit so far. Hobbit is now one year old!
    HOBBIT during its first year was very active in several areas: members of the consortium attended a number of academic and industry-related events and conferences and published a number of posts on several topics related to benchmarking. Furthermore...
    Date: 16.12.2016
  • FORTH: Successful participation in eHealth Forum 2016
    Rich experiences and networking were some of the gains of this year’s participation in the eHealth Forum 2016 for the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH). The event was held at the...
    Date: 31.10.2016
  • Multi-faceted participation of ICS – FORTH at eHealth forum 2016
    The Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas (FORTH) participates at the Annual Meeting for stakeholders and specialists in eHealth ecosystems, eHealth forum 2016 that will be held at Megaron Athens...
    Date: 19.10.2016
  • HOBBIT Holistic Benchmarking of Big Linked Data
    HOBBIT project started in December 2015, and focused so far on the architecture and development of the Benchmarking Platform architecture and development, as well as Community building.
    Date: 26.08.2016
  • When your smart home will “LISTEN”
    The new EU project “LISTEN” is working on creating a robust, hands-free speech control interface for home systems. The partners from Germany, Italy and Greece will develop a smart-home-specific natural voice interface to web services. Moreover, they...
    Date: 22.10.2015
    With very great success the "EUROPEAN RESEARCHERS’ NIGHT 2015" was held on Friday, September 25 at the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH) in Heraklion, Crete.
    Date: 14.10.2015
  • Innovative BlueBRIDGE data services
    New European consortium building data services for fisheries, aquaculture, ecosystem management, livelihoods and food system analysis
    Date: 07.10.2015
  • The 1st SOrBet2015 was successfully concluded
    The summer school for analytical tools in Dense wireless networks at FORTH-ICS, co-organized with the University of Linköpng was successfully concluded. The school, ran in the week of 27-31 July and was organized by the EU Marie-Curie funded SOrBet...
    Date: 10.08.2015
  • Πιστοποίηση του ΙΤΕ για την ασφαλή διαχείριση πληροφοριών
    Το Κέντρο Εφαρμογών και Υπηρεσιών Ηλεκτρονικής Υγείας, του Ινστιτούτου Πληροφορικής του Ιδρύματος Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας, έλαβε τη διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένη πιστοποίηση ISO 27001:2013 για το σύστημα ασφαλούς διαχείρισης πληροφοριών που εφαρμόζει στην «...
    Date: 01.10.2014
  • Kikc-off event for DARIAH-GR project
    The Institute of Computer Science - FORTH participates in the kick-off event of DARIAH-GR “Developing a Greek Research Infrastructure for the Humanities DYAS”
    Date: 01.04.2014
  • EDBT/ICDT 2014
    Δύο μεγάλα διεθνή συνέδρια σε βάσεις δεδομένων συνδιοργανώνονται από το Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης και το Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής του ΙΤΕ.
    Date: 14.03.2014
  • TransForm: Theoretical Foundations of Transactional Memory
    The research project TransForm, where the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Ressearch and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) acted as the coordinator, has recently been completed. TransForm was a project funded by the European Commission...
    Date: 11.12.2013
  • NetVolution: Α new ERC starting grant was awarded to FORTH-ICS
    A new distinction for FORTH, Greece's major Research Centre, came through the recent approval by the ERC (European Research Council) of one more proposal that was submitted by Dr. Xenofontas Dimitropoulos of FORTH's Institute of Computer Science (...
    Date: 03.09.2013
  • NetVolution: Α new ERC starting grant was awarded to FORTH-ICS
    A new distinction for FORTH, Greece's major Research Centre, came through the recent approval by the ERC (European Research Council) of one more proposal that was submitted by Dr. Xenofontas Dimitropoulos of FORTH's Institute of Computer Science (...
    Date: 03.09.2013
  • European Certification for FORTH in Cyber Security
    In the context of the 38th meeting of the European Network of Computer Emergency Response Teams, which was held in Lisbon, Portugal on 28-30 January 2013, the Computer Emergency Response Team of FORTH (FORTHcert) was awarded the TERENA Trusted...
    Date: 06.02.2013
  • European Certification for FORTH in Cyber Security
    In the context of the 38th meeting of the European Network of Computer Emergency Response Teams, which was held in Lisbon, Portugal on 28-30 January 2013, the Computer Emergency Response Team of FORTH (FORTHcert) was awarded the TERENA Trusted...
    Date: 06.02.2013
  • Statistics of reports received in 2011 by SafeLine
    In an event held at the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs to commemorate the "Safer Internet Day 2012" on Tuesday February 7, 2012, the statistics of the reports received by the Hotline Safeline for illegal content or...
    Date: 10.02.2012
  • Statistics of reports received in 2011 by SafeLine
    In an event held at the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs to commemorate the "Safer Internet Day 2012" on Tuesday February 7, 2012, the statistics of the reports received by the Hotline Safeline for illegal content or...
    Date: 10.02.2012
  • SafeLine: Safer Internet Day 2012
    Today, Tuesday, February 7, 2012, Safer Internet Day is internationally celebrated. The slogan of this year's celebration "Discover the digital world together ... safely!" refers to the convergence of generations, indicating the urgent need for...
    Date: 07.02.2012
  • Ambient Intelligence: Interesting applications from Crete
    Article by Irini Veniou published in VIMA Science (in Greek) regarding the Ambient Intelligence Programme of ICS-FORTH. Ambient Intelligence: how can it change our way of living and thinking? Intelligent patient room. Smart office. Interactive...
    Date: 29.01.2012
  • One-day workshop "Strategies of Digital Development"
    The Representation of the European Commission in Greece in collaboration with the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is pleased to invite you to a one-day workshop in the context of the “Going Local 2011 exercise...
    Date: 24.11.2011
  • Eurecca tackles three key questions for the IT industry
    Today's multicore processors are not being utilized in a sufficiently intelligent way. They get too hot and run slowly because they are used inefficiently. At the same time, transistors are becoming so small that they will ultimately become...
    Date: 01.11.2011
  • TransForm: Theoretical Foundations of Transactional Memory
    TransForm is an EU-funded research project targeted at building the theoretical underpinning for the design and analysis of efficient Transactional Memory (TM) systems. Transactional Memory is a new programming paradigm which is considered very...
    Date: 06.06.2011
  • Εορτασμός των Δέκα Χρόνων του Ελληνικού Γραφείου του W3C
    Με την ευκαιρία της συμπλήρωσης των 10 χρόνων παρουσίας της Κοινοπραξίας του Παγκόσμιου Ιστού στην Ελλάδα (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C), θα πραγματοποιηθεί εκδήλωση στις 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009, στο Ηράκλειο της Κρήτης, στo Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής...
    Date: 16.09.2009
  • ÅâäïìÜäá ÅðéóôÞìçò êáé Ôå÷íïëïãßáò 2006
    To Iíóôéôïýôï ÐëçñïöïñéêÞò ôïõ ÉÔÅ óõììåôÝ÷åé óôçí «ÅâäïìÜäá ÅðéóôÞìçò êáé Ôå÷íïëïãßáò 2006», ìáæß êáé ìå Üëëá Éíóôéôïýôá ôïõ ÉÔÅ, ðïõ äéïñãáíþíåôáé áðü ôçí ÃåíéêÞ Ãñáììáôåßá êáé Ôå÷íïëïãßáò (ÃÃÅÔ) ôïõ Õðïõñãåßïõ ÁíÜðôõîçò, áðü ôéò 28 Éïõíßïõ Ýùò...
    Date: 22.06.2006
  • Εβδομάδα Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας 2006
    To Iνστιτούτο Πληροφορικής του ΙΤΕ συμμετείχε στην «Εβδομάδα Επιστήμης και Τεχνολογίας 2006», μαζί και με άλλα Ινστιτούτα του ΙΤΕ, που διοργανώθηκε από την Γενική Γραμματεία και...
    Date: 22.06.2006
  • 1ο Παγκρήτιο Forum Βιοπληροφορικής
    To Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής και το Ινστιτούτο Μοριακής Βιολογίας και Βιοτεχνολογίας του Ιδρύματος Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας (ΙΤΕ), το Ινστιτούτο Θαλάσσιας Βιολογίας και Γενετικής του Ελληνικού Κέντρου Θαλασσίων Ερευνών (ΕΛΚΕΘΕ), το Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης...
    Date: 19.06.2006