Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής (ICS) Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας (FORTH)
Νικολάου Πλαστήρα 100, Βασιλικά Βουτών ΤΚ-70013 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Τηλέφωνο: +30 2810 391847 FAX: +30 2810 391428 E-mail: pampouch@ics.forth.gr
Anastasia Pampouchidou joined Computational Medicine Laboratory (CML) of Institute of Computer Science at Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) as a Ph.D. student in October 2013. She received her Master of Science degree in the field of Computer Vision from the University of Burgundy (2011), and Bachelor degree in Applied Informatics & Multimedia from the Technological Educational Institute of Crete (2004).