Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής (ICS) Ίδρυμα Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας (FORTH)
Νικολάου Πλαστήρα 100, Βασιλικά Βουτών ΤΚ-70013 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης
Τηλέφωνο: 2810391427 FAX: +30 2810391428 E-mail: gxristod@ics.forth.gr
Mr Christodoulakis George works as a Bio/Software Engineer at Computational Medicine Laboratory (CML) of Institute of Computer Science at Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH). He received a Master of Research and a Master of Philosophy degrees, both in the field of Bioengineering, from the Engineering Department of the University of Warwick (2003) and the Civil and Computational Engineering Centre of Swansea University (2006) respectively. Awards: "Arthur Shercliff Travel Award 2002"- University of Cambridge (£ 900).
Bioengineering Modelling/Simulation Motion Analysis Object Oriented Programming Database Systems Medical Informatics Robotics Microcontrollers Smart House