Recent developments showed that disasters, both natural and man-made, are tending to grow both in size and frequency, outside and inside the European Union. The Eastern Mediterranean is an area quite prone to seismic activity. Earthquakes denote a major natural hazard, resulting among others in loss of life. Large scale earthquakes may cause a lot of damage in very populated areas hence mass evacuation is required; the removal of a segment of the population, for their own safety is vital. Large number of people (permanent residents and tourists) must be evacuated in short period of time. Emergency Shelters must be made for the needs of the population of the affected area. These needs may include among others smooth operation, communication and medical care. The medical care of evacuees must be identified and appropriate support must be provided. One of the main challenges during a crisis is the care for the population gathering in great numbers at specific areas, affected either directly or indirectly by the event. Experience from previous evacuation operations in Cyprus and Greece has shown that logistics procedures need improvement when the number of the evacuees is very high in the first days. The affected population, including vulnerable peoplp (p.g. children, elderly, with disabilities), needs the appropriate accommodation and living conditions for a short period of time.