Asynchronous Open-Source DLX Processor (ASPIDA)
Desynchronization: an easy approach to Asynchronous design
In this document we outline the basic principles of
the desynchronization design methodology.
For more information, please read the following references:
- J. Cortadella, A. Kondratyev,
L. Lavagno and C. Sotiriou. A
Concurrent Model for De-synchronization. In Handouts of the International Workshop
on Logic Synthesis, pages
294-301, 2003. (pdf)
- I. Blunno, J. Cortadella, A.
Kondratyev, K. Lwin and C. Sotiriou. Handshake
Protocols for De-synchronization. In Proceedings of the 10th International
Synposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, April 2004.
The de-synchronization approach presented in this section aims at the
substitution of the global clock of a circuit by a set of asynchronous
controllers that guarantee an equivalent behavior. The method
assumes that the circuit has combinational blocks (CL) and
registers implemented with D flip-flops (FF),
all of them working with the same clock edge (e.g. rising in
Figure 1(a)).
Figure 1:
Synchronous and de-synchronized circuit.
\end{figure}](img2.png) |
The de-synchronization method proceeds in three steps:
- Conversion of the flip-flop-based synchronous circuit into a
latch-based one
and latches in Figure 1(b)) by:
decoupling local clocks for master and slave latches and
improving performance through retiming, i.e. by moving latches
combinational logic.
- Generation of matched delays for combinational logic
(denoted by
rounded rectangles in Figure 1(b)).
Each matched delay must be greater than the delay of the critical path
of the corresponding combinational block.
- Interconnection of controllers for local clocks.
Figure 2 depicts a
synchronous netlist after conversion
into latch-based design, possibly after applying
the retiming mentioned above. The shadowed boxes
represent latches, whereas the white boxes represent combinational
logic. Latches must alternate their phases. Latches with a label
( ) at the clock input represent the even
(odd) latches, transparent when the clock is low (high).
Data transfers must always occur from even (master)
to odd (slave) latches and vice-versa.
Figure 2:
Synchronous circuit with a global clock.
\end{figure}](img7.png) |
Initially, only the latches corresponding to one of the phases store
valid data. Without loss of generality, we will assume that these are
the even
latches. The odd latches store bubbles,
in the argot of asynchronous circuits.
Marked Graphs
Marked Graphs (MG) is the formalism used in this document to
model de-synchronization.
They are a subclass of Petri nets that can model
decision-free concurrent systems [10].
An example of marked graph is shown in Figure 3, where the events and
represent the rising and falling transitions of signal ,
respectively. Under the given initial marking (denoted by solid dots
at arcs) two events are enabled and . The sequence of events
is an example of a feasible sequence of the
marked graph.
Liveness and safeness are properties of marked graphs relevant for
Liveness ensures that any event can be fired infinitely often from any
reachable marking. Safeness ensures that no arc will have more than
one token in any reachable marking. The following result was proven
in [2].
Theorem 3.1 (Liveness and
safeness) A marked graph is live iff
the initial marking assigns at least one
token on each directed circuit.
A marked graph is safe iff every arc belongs to a
directed circuit with exactly one token.
This section presents two models for de-synchronization. The first one
is presented for its simplicity, and can be considered as a restricted
case of the second.
For the sake of simplicity, we will also
assume that all combinational blocks and latches have zero
delay. Thus, the only important thing about the model is the sequence
of events of the latch control signals. A timed model, and its
will be presented in Section 4.
Non-overlapping de-synchronization model.
In the synchronous methodology, latched designs are normally clocked by
two-phase non-overlapping clocks. The first model
is a direct implementation of this scheme.
A timing diagram and the corresponding marked
graph for a simple pipeline is
depicted in Fig. 3.
The latches are transparent when the control signal is
high. Initially, only half of the
latches contain data ( ). Data items flow in such
a way that
a latch never captures a new item before the successor latch has
captured the previous one.
Figure 3:
Non-overlapping de-synchronization.
\end{figure}](img14.png) |
Since the pulses for adjacent latches are non-overlapping, data
overwriting can never occur. However, contrary to common belief,
the need for a non-overlapping scheme to avoid races could be relaxed,
as discussed below.
Overlapping de-synchronization model.
Figure 4 shows
another model that allows clock pulses of
adjacent latches to overlap. This model is based on the
that a data item can ripple through more than one latch, as long as the
previous values stored in those rippling latches have already been
by the successor latches. As an example, event can
fire as
soon as data is available in (arc ) and the
previous data in has been captured by (arc ).
Figure 4:
Overlapping de-synchronization.
\end{figure}](img20.png) |
The formal model for this de-synchronization is depicted in the marked
graph of Fig 4.
The arc is
included to model
the alternation of and at one end of the
This arc is redundant for the other events.
It is easy to understand that the model of Fig. 3 can
be obtained by reducing the concurrency of the model in
Fig. 4.
General de-synchronization model.
By taking as an example the overlapping model, we now show that it can
be used
for any arbitrary synchronous
netlist, while preserving a property that makes the de-synchronized
circuits observationally equivalent to their synchronous versions: flow
equivalence [5].
The method for de-synchronizing an arbitrary netlist relies on
composition of
the controllers. We just identify pairwise interactions between
latches, and then the overall clock generation circuit is obtained
through composition of MGs corresponding to these partial descriptions.
This procedure creates a marked graph of a certain class that
we will call circuit marked graph (CMG).
The specification of a pairwise interaction between even-odd and
odd-even latches for overlapping de-synchronization is shown in
Figure 5. It
models the communication of data from latch to latch . These
patterns exactly correspond to the ones used in the behavioral
specification of a linear pipeline in
Figure 4. The
only difference is that we added two
auxiliary arcs and to model the behavior of the abstracted
parts of the system (those
that precede and succeed ).
Figure 6
depicts the de-synchronization MG for
the circuit in Figure 2,
as obtained by
composition of patterns from Figure 5.
Synchronization between latches: (a) even odd,
(b) odd even.
\end{figure}](img23.png) |
Figure 6:
Model for the circuit in
Fig. 2.
\end{figure}](img24.png) |
We now discuss several properties of the model.
The proofs of the theorems are presented in [3].
Safeness guarantees that no data overwriting will occur.
Liveness guarantees something crucial for the model: absence of
deadlocks. At this point, it is important to emphasize that the
controller for
de-synchronized clocks presented in this document has self-resetting
pulses, i.e. the only causality arc that precedes an event is the
corresponding . This spontaneous ``return-to-zero''
guarantees liveness for any netlist, even cyclic ones.
We will discuss in Section 6 how to modify matched
delays after layout, so that clock pulses can be delivered reliably
to the latches.
Flow equivalence
The de-synchronization model previously presented enables data to flow
across an asynchronous circuit. But is this data flow equivalent to
the behavior of the synchronous circuit?
We now present the notion of flow-equivalence [5], which
is related to that of
synchronous behavior in [9],
in terms of the projection of traces onto the latches of the circuit.
Definition 3.1 (Flow
equivalence) Two circuits are flow-equivalent if
(1) they have the same set of latches and
(2) for each latch ![$A$](img10.png) , the projections of the traces
onto ![$A$](img10.png) is the same in both circuits.
Intuitively, two circuits are flow-equivalent if their behavior cannot
be distinguished by observing the sequence of values stored at
each latch. This observation is done individually for each
latch and, thus, the relative order at which values are stored in
different latches can change.
Theorem 3.3 The
de-synchronization model preserves flow-equivalence.
Timed model
The model presented in Section 3 guarantees synchronous
equivalence with zero-delay components. However, computational blocks
and latches have delays that impose a set of timing constraints for
the model to be valid.
Figure 7
depicts the timing diagram for the behavior of
two latches in a pipeline. The signals and represent the
inputs and outputs of the latches. The signal is
the control of
the latch ( for transparent).
We will focus our attention on latch . As soon as becomes
valid, the computation for block starts. Latch can become
transparent before the computation completes. Opening a latch in
advance is beneficial
for performance, because it eliminates the time for capturing data from
critical path.
Once the computation is over, the local clock of
the destination
latch immediately falls. This is possible because
modern latches
have zero setup time [1].
Figure 7:
Timing constraints for the asynchronous controllers.
\end{figure}](img33.png) |
Assuming that all controllers have similar delays the following
constraint is required for correct
T_T \geq T_{CQ}+T_C + T_L
\end{displaymath}](img34.png) |
(1) |
The constraint (1)
indicates that the cycle time of a local
clock (measured as a delay between two
rising edges of ), must be greater than the delay of local
clock propagation though a latch ( ) plus the
delay of the
computational block ( )
plus the latch controller delay ( ). The control
overhead in
this scheme is reduced to a single delay because control
handshake overlaps with the computation cycle due to the early rising
of the local clock. The constraint assumes
that the depth of combinational logic is sufficiently large to
amortize the overlapping part of the handshake. The latter is true for
ASIC designs, that often have more than 20 levels of logic between
adjacent registers. However, we also tried examples, such as
a DES encryption engine,
which are extremely shallow, with similar results.
Inequality (1)
guarantees the satisfaction of set-up constraints for the latch. Note
that hold constraints in a
de-synchronized circuit are ensured automatically, because the clock of
any predecessor latch rises only after the clock of its successor
latch had fallen. This makes it impossible to have races between two
data items at latch inputs.
Timing compatibility
To prove that the suggested design methodology is modular and
compositional we need to show that a de-synchronized circuit can
replace its synchronous counterpart without disturbing the rest of a
system (presumably synchronous). This can be achieved by comparing
cycle times of de-synchronized and synchronous designs.
In a synchronous flip-flop-based circuit, the cycle time is
bounded by [1]:
T_S \geq T_C + T_{setup} + T_{skew} + T_{CQ}
\end{displaymath}](img41.png) |
(2) |
where and
are maximum
combinational logic, setup, skew and
clock-to-output times respectively.
Let us compare inequalities (1)
and (2), bearing in
mind that due to retiming the maximal computation time in a
circuit can only be reduced. We can conclude that under
reasonable timing assumption (
) the cycle time of
circuit should not be larger than the cycle time of the corresponding
synchronous design.
There is a small caveat in the above statement. The notion of a
time is well defined only for a circuit with a periodic clock. In a
de-synchronized system the separation time between adjacent rising
edges of the
same local
clock might change during functioning.
Therefore when talking about de-synchronized and synchronous
systems one has to relate the perfect periodic behavior of one of them
a non-periodic one of another.
Two facts proven in [3]
help in establishing this relationship.
- Latches that belong to critical computational paths of a
de-synchronized system have a well-defined constant cycle time
- The rest of the latches might have variable cycle times in the
finite prefix of a system functioning but finally must settle to
constant cycle time
This shows that the
behavior of a de-synchronized circuit has a well-defined periodicity,
similar to that of a synchronous one, paced by a common clock.
A de-synchronized circuit with cycle time can
be embedded
into a synchronous environment
with a clock cycle by driving the latch
controllers on its boundaries
with the clock (as if it was coming from ``external'' controllers).
This does
not cause any meta-stability problems and satisfies setup and hold
as long as . Under these conditions,
latches become critical, since
they are paced by external clock . This makes
and synchronous systems compatible in terms of timing,
because their external timed behavior is the same.
One advantage of de-synchronization is that it eases some
form of circuit binning based on performance. If we assume
that the performance of similar objects (e.g. transistors,
interconnects on the same layer) track each other within relatively
small regions of the layout, we can assume that the performance
of a die will be determined by the delay chains, while the delay
the logic will be proportionately smaller, and thus setup constraints
will be automatically satisfied.
This means that the request and acknowledge wires at the boundaries
the circuit can be used to measure the worst-case response time of every
individual die. In other terms, the maximum speed of a die can be
established by only looking at the timing of transitions of some output
with respect to the clock input, without the need for expensive
at-speed delay
testing equipment. This allows one to classify dies according to their
maximum operational speed (binning), which so far was only used for
leading-edge CPUs (from Intel, AMD, Sun) due to the huge cost of
testing equipment. It also allows one to tune the process, by observing
the performance of whole circuits, not just of small delay chains on
test chips.
Implementation of the model
Figure 8
depicts a possible implementation of
the controller. Inputs ... are the signals of its
controllers, while inputs ... are the signals of its
successor controllers.
considered. The delay element must have a delay for the
rising transition which is
larger than that of the combinational
block, while the falling transition delay determines the pulse width.
Such an asymmetric delay chain can be built easily with not
and nand gates.
Figure 8:
Implementation of the latch controller.
\end{figure}](img51.png) |
The sequence of events that determines the corresponding
delays is the following:
This is not the only way to implement these
controllers. The semi- and fully-decoupled controllers presented in
[4] are also
valid, although a formal proof of their
correctness in this context is more complicated. Similarly for the
controllers presented in [12,13,14].
Physical Design and Testing
Matched Delay Insertion. The flow that we used for the
de-synchronization approach
begins with a synthesizable HDL specification
(e.g. Verilog/VHDL), using the conventional synchronous HDL
constructs. Next, each datapath
element is synthesized for the target cycle time ,
using a conventional synthesis tool.
Due to the load of the local clock by the registers of
the datapath block, buffers are inserted at this stage.
The circuit is analyzed using conventional static timing analysis
tools to estimate the delay of each matched
delay element. These matched delay elements are generated and
embedded into latch controllers. At this stage, the datapath blocks
and their corresponding latch controllers are combined to form the
complete netlist of the de-synchronized circuit. Once the complete
netlist is assembled, it may be simulated and its
correct operation verified using a gate-level simulator.
The circuit is then placed and routed, and the post-layout delays
The pessimistic delays used for pre-layout timing analysis are now more
precise, and redundant not and nand gate pairs can
removed from the delay chains, by exploiting the incremental
capabilities of modern tools.
The possible modifications of different stages in conventional
automatic design flow for doing de-synchronization are shown
in Figure 9.
Figure 9:
Changes in the standard synchronous design flow.
\end{figure}](img53.png) |
Design for Testability.
The datapath can be tested by using scan path insertion
with synchronous tools. A clock can be distributed to every register
and used only in test mode. Local
acknowledge wires in test mode allow one to build this network without
problems. Thus it is considerably smaller than in the
synchronous case, where it must satisfy tight skew constraints.
Moreover, it is kept idle during normal operation.
Asynchronous handshake circuits can also be tested by using a
methodology, as discussed in [11]. This has a
performance and
area overhead, but it is essential for the acceptance of the
methodology. The goal is to ensure full coverage. Handshake circuits
self-checking, and
the work in [7]
showed that 100% stuck-at coverage can be
achieved for asynchronous pipelines using conventional test pattern
De-Synchronization Case Study
Figure 10:
De-synchronized DLX.
\end{figure}](img54.png) |
We present results on the application of
de-synchronization to a DLX processor.
The de-synchronized DLX consists of five architectural DLX pipeline
stages, four of which
actually correspond to circuit blocks (at the circuit level WB is
merged with
ID). Each block is controlled by its own latch controller. The arrows
of the latch controllers correspond to their and signals,
and illustrate the datapath dependencies. Stages ID, EX and MEM form a
ring. ID
is the heart of the processor containing the Register File and all
hazard-detection logic and synchronizes stages IF and MEM. Thus,
leaving MEM (for WB) will synchronize with instructions coming from IF.
This is
indeed necessary for handling data dependencies, as a register being
may be the same with the one needing to be read in a current
Data hazard detection takes place by ID comparing the output register
instructions in other pipeline stages and their opcodes, and deciding
inserting the correct number of NOPs.
After the initial synthesis of each circuit block using latches,
the whole design is optimized incrementally to meet all timing
Max-delay constraints between latches are used to ensure cycle time in
the datapaths but the control blocks are untouched inside G2C-RC, our
synthesis tool.
Then the gate-level netlist and matching timing constraints are
imported into SoC Encounter. Floor-planning is done along with
creation of power structures inside Encounter. All the standard cells
are placed using Amoeba and routed with
NanoRoute. Post-route optimization is iterated until all timing
violations are fixed. The synchronous DLX is obtained using the same
flow with
the additional step of Clock Tree Synthesis in Encounter before the
Route stage.
Table 1
contrasts the characteristics of the synchronous and
of the de-synchronized DLX.
The data are post-layout results based on
gate-level simulations with back-annotation of extracted parasitics.
Table 1:
Synchronous vs. De-Synchronized DLX.
Sync. DLX |
De-Sync. DLX |
Cycle Time |
4.4ns |
4.45ns |
Dyn. Power Cons. |
70.9mW |
71.2mW |
Area |
372,656 ![$\mu$](img56.png) |
378,058 ![$\mu$](img56.png) |
Figure 11:
FFT of current consumption in synchronous (above) and de-synchronized
(below) DLX
\end{figure}](img58.png) |
One can see that both designs have approximately the same area, speed
and power consumption. The Electro-Magnetic Emission cannot be
measured without fabricating the chip. However, we estimate the
advantages of
de-synchronization in this respect by measuring, with a power analysis
tool, the
waveform of the current absorbed by the circuit from the power rails.
spectrum, shown in Figure 11
for the synchronous FF-based circuit
and the de-synchronized one
(the synchronous latch-based one had similar characteristics) shows
approximately 30% lower emission peaks in the desynchronized case,
which should
also be reflected in lower EMI.
Unfortunately about half of the circuit gates and flip-flops (due to
register file) is contained in the ID stage, which has a very complex
clock tree. This represents a worst-case for our methodology, since the
stage is almost as noisy as the original synchronous circuit, but we
are still
able to show advantages with respect to a purely synchronous
in terms of estimated
Electro-Magnetic Emission.
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