At the end of April 2015, the e-SENS project tested the first integration of the e-SENS Building Block (BB) ‘Evidence Emitter’, a mechanism for achieving non-repudiation in cross-border communication though evidence generation and collection. The solution was presented during the 15th European IHE Connectathon event, an annual connectivity test marathon organised this year in Luxembourg by IHE-Europe in partnership with the Luxembourgish national e-Health agency, Agence eSanté. During one week, 300 participants, representing 74 vendors, performed 2300 tests on the Gazelle GITB compliant tool. The e-Health domain of e-SENS took advantage of this event to demonstrate the efficacy of the ‘Evidence Emitter’ BB by testing the integration into the OpenNCP software, which enables secure exchange of data between the National Contact Points (NCP) for cross-border healthcare.
The main objective of the e-SENS project is to ensure the interoperability of online health, business, procurement and justice functionalities through the use of cross-domain IT ‘building blocks’. ‘Evidence Emitter’ is one of the technical modules of the e-SENS European Interoperability Reference Architecture, leverage to achieve Non-Repudiation in cross-border message exchange. The version of the ‘Evidence Emitter’ BB for the e-Health domain, tested at the Connectathon, is a modification of the IHE ATNA profile. It is now ready for Health IT Industry adoption and freely accessed on
The e-Health domain of e-SENS is one of many piloting areas to be tested in the real life environment. It strives to pursue the enhancement of the cross border services started in the former Large Scale pilot epSOS, the aim of which was to provide access to Patient Summaries for citizens and electronic Prescriptions for health professionals across Europe. These two ‘use cases’ support the implementation of the Directive 2011/24 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare . The Directive obliges also Member States to set up a NCP for cross-border healthcare.
Italy, Greece, Luxembourg, and Portugal, along with the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, will pilot the two use cases at the beginning of June in a preproduction environment to perform tests based on real conditions. In parallel, the central services of openNCP will be realigned with more generic standards with the integration of the e-Delivery BB ‘service location and lookup capability’ to enable the European Commission to host cross domain central service. This update will enable sustainability of e-Health cross-border services through maintenance cost reduction of central services. The last BB planned to be integrated will enable health professionals to seamlessly identify electronically the patient to access his health document abroad.
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