The Signal Processing Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) is organizing the international Winter School on Speech and Audio Processing for Immersive Environments and Future Interfaces of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE SPS Winter School on SAIE 2012,, which will take place during January 16 – 20 2012, in FORTH, in Heraklion Crete, Greece.
The Winter School involves a series of lectures from distinguished researchers from all over the world and is focused on current research trends and applications in the areas of audio and speech signal processing. The Winter School also involves "hands-on" sessions, where students will be able to work on practical aspects of speech and audio signal processing, as well as "demo" sessions where researchers from FORTH and other institutes will demonstrate their implemented systems in these fields.
This Winter School is the 4th in the Series of "Seasonal Schools in Signal Processsing" (S3P Program) of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Previous Seasonal Schools were organized in The Netherlands, Austria, and Taiwan. In the Winter School at FORTH, forty students and professionals will participate from all around the world, with the opportunity to attend lectures taught by world-renowned researchers and to have a close interaction with them, but also to meet each other to strengthen the audio and speech research community.