Electronic books for the Starlight Reader

From this page you can download free electronic books for the limited version of the Starlight Platform that is freely available to visually-impaired people.

To download a book click on its title and select the option of saving the corresponding file to your hard disk. When the downloading process has completed, double click on it and follow the installation instructions provided.

All the available books are either Greek texts that are copyright-free, or translations (provided by volunteers) from copyright-free non-Greek texts that are available through the web site of Project Gutenberg. The Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas is not responsible for the correctness of the content of the provided books. For any potential copyright infringement please send an e-mail to starlight@ics.forth.gr

If you want to contribute as a volunteer to this effort by providing us copyright-free texts please send us an e-mail to starlight@ics.forth.gr and we will contact you.

All currently available books are in Greek, so in order to view the list of available books please refer to the Greek version of this page.