Versatile Endoscopic Capsule for gastrointestinal TumOr Recognition and therapy
The project pursues the goal of realizing smart pill technologies and applications for gastrointestinal (GI) diagnosis and therapy. Cancers of the digestive tract are among the most significant killers in developed countries, with colon cancer ranging among the top 10 causes of death for both genders, male and female. If the disease is detected at the stage of pre-malignancy, local therapy, such as tissue resection or destruction, can be used to eradicate the disease before malignant transformation and the onset of invasive cancer. The overall medical goal of the project is to enable medical devices through advanced technology that can dramatically improve early detection and treatment of GI early cancers and cancer precursors. The main technological objective of the project is to innovate microsystems components, micro-robotic technologies and sensor devices for novel applications in the medical field. The primary market goal of the project is to provide ground-breaking technology leads and platform technologies to European biomedical companies for future conversion into competitive novel products. This shall support the European biomedical industry in the international medical device market and help build up a franchise in the booming sector of cancer prevention, early diagnosis and treatment technologies. The structure of the project is focused on the creation of technology platforms based on the medical requirements. These technology platforms will be leveraged in two ways. First and primarily, they will be used to realize smart capsules in different versions, dedicated to the different medical needs. Second, the platforms will be used to create derivative devices, not necessarily capsules, but endoscopic medical devices using the technologies created in the project.