Ολοκληρωμένα Έργα

Ολοκληρωμένα Έργα του  TNL

    28/07/2020 - 27/07/2023
    Automated Detection, Notification and Mitigation of Internet Routing Attacks in Real-Time as an Integrated Service
    17/10/2018 - 16/04/2022
    Secure platform for remote Compilation- and Programming-as-a-Service in the Internet-of-Things
    19/09/2019 - 18/03/2022
    “A Secure Platform for Efficient Management as a Service in the Internet of Things”
  • Smart Product
    01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020
    A flexible platform for monitoring the supply chain of Agrifood products and certifying authenticity, security and origin using “Internet of Things” (IoT) technologies.
    01/01/2013 - 31/12/2017
    MESH-WISE: Self-organising MESH Networking with Heterogeneous Wireless Access
    01/01/2008 - 31/12/2010
    EU-MESH: Enhanced, Ubiquitous, and Dependable Broadband Access using MESH Networks
  • Efficient Design
    01/01/2007 - 31/03/2008
    Efficient Design of IEEE 802.11e Wireless Access Networks
  • SOrBet

    Smart Objects for Intelligent Building Management (SOrBet)

    REliable, Resilient and secUre IoT for sMart city applications (RERUM)
  • REDComm

    Rapid Emergency Deployment Mobile Communication Infrastructure (REDComm)

    OPTET: OPerational Trustworthiness Enabling Technologies

    AVID-MODE (Efficient Location-Aware Audio-Visual Delivery of High-Quality Content to Mobile Devices)

    CS-ORION: Compressed Sensing for Remote Imaging in Aerial and Terrestrial Surveillance

    LISTA - The Listening Talker

    ASPIRE: Collaborative Signal Processing for Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
  • DoS

    Denial of Service (DoS) Attack Detection and Mitigation (EU-IST Project SCAMPI: A Scaleable Monitoring Platform for the Internet
  • TrACe

    TrACe - Traffic Measurement, Analysis, and Charging
  • M3I

    M3I - Market Managed Multiservice Internet
  • NetVolution

    Evolving Internet Routing: A Paradigm Shift to Foster Innovation (NetVolution)

    MONTAGE - Mobile Intelligent Agents in Accounting, Charging, and Personal Mobility Support (EU - ACTS)
  • MISA

    MISA (EU - ACTS)
  • ForthRepository

    ForthRepository: Measurements, modeling, and forecasting in wireless networks

    CASHMAN - Charging and Accounting Schemes in Multiservice Networks
  • GRnet QoS

    GRnet QoS (Industrial, GRnet S.A.)