Future Wireless Network Architectures

Future Wireless Network Architectures: Managing e2e QoS & Resource Control


A joint Research Project between ICS-FORTH and BT Research (currently BT Exact) running from October 2003 until March 2006.


TNext generation wireless networks will support real-time and multimedia packet-based services with varying requirements in terms of delay and data loss. Their unique properties will make the provision of end-to-end QoS a challenging problem that requires the adaptation and extension of existing solutions proposed for current generation wireless systems, such as IEEE 802.11 a/b/g, and the development of new approaches. To goal of this project is to develop and evaluate robust, flexible, and practical models and procedures for efficient control of the shared resources in current and next generation wireless networks, and investigate how they can be effectively used for providing end-to-end QoS.


  • Vasilios Siris, ICS-FORTH
  • Costas Courcoubetis, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB)
  • Apostolos Traganitis, FORTH-ICS
  • George Stamatakis, FORTH-ICS
  • Despoina Triantafyllidou, FORTH-ICS
  • Benjamin Bappu, BT Research, Ipswich, UK
  • Bob Briscoe, BT Research, Ipswich, UK
  • Dave Songhurst, BT Research, Ipswich, UK



For more info: Vasilios Siris Tel: +30 2810 391726 Email: vsiris "at" ics "dot" forth "dot" gr