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 Human - Computer Interaction Laboratory

Universally Accessible Games

Publications & Lectures

A. Publications

10 publications

1. Grammenos, D., Savidis, A., and Stephanidis, C. (2009). Designing universally accessible games. Comput. Entertain. 7, 1 (Feb. 2009), 1-29. URL:

2. Grammenos, D. 2008. Game over: learning by dying. In Proceeding of the Twenty-Sixth Annual SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Florence, Italy, April 05 - 10, 2008). CHI '08. ACM, New York, NY, 1443-1452. URL:

3. Grammenos, D., Savidis, A., and Stephanidis, C. (2007). Unified Design of Universally Accessible Games. In Stephanidis, C. (Ed.), Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services, Proceedings (Part III) of the 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 607-616). Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. URL:

4. Grammenos, D.(2007). Game Over. Usability Professionals' Association User Experience Magazine: Volume 6, Issue 3, 2007

5. Grammenos, D. (2007). Game Accessibility - Why Bother?. Gamasutra Opinion article, April 24, 2007. URL:

6. Grammenos, D. and Savidis, A. (2006). Unified Design of Universally Accessible Games (Say What?). Gamasutra Feature article, December 7, 2006. URL:

7. Grammenos, D. (2006). The Theory of Parallel Game Universes: A Paradigm Shift in Multiplayer Gaming and Game Accessibility. Gamasutra Feature article, August 17, 2006. URL:

8. Grammenos, D., Savidis, A., Georgalis, Y., & Stephanidis, C. (2006). Access Invaders: Developing a Universally Accessible Action Game. In K. Miesenberger, J. Klaus, W. Zagler, & A. Karshmer (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, ICCHP 2006, Linz, Austria, 12 – 14 July (pp. 388–395). Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. URL:

9. Grammenos, D., Savidis, A., Stephanidis C. (2005). UA-Chess: A Universally Accessible Board Game. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. G. Salvendy (ed.). Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2005. Lawrence Erlbaum.

10. Grammenos, D., Savidis, A., Stephanidis C. (2004). An Accessible Two-player Multi-modal Board Game. In ERCIM News No. 57, April 2004.

B. Presentations & Lectures

09 presentations & Lectures

1. Grammenos, D. (2010). "Universally Accessible Games & Parallel Game Universes", I International Conference on Translation and Accessibility in Video Games and Virtual Worlds, 2 and 3 December 2010, Universitat Auṭnoma de Barcelona, Spain [Download full version(206 slides) PDF format(15MB); short version (Introduction to Game Accessibility,31 slides) PDF format(2.8MB)]

2. Grammenos, D., Georgalis, G. (2008). Game Over: Learning by Dying Creating Games That Are Universally Accessible. Presentation at the Games For Health Pre-Conference Workshop on Game Accessibility 2008 (PDF version: 3 MB)

3. Grammenos, D., (2007). Universally Accessible Games vs. Serious Games. Presentation at the session entitled "Serious Accessibility for Serious Games", at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) 2007 (PDF version: 1.5 MB)

4. Grammenos, D., (2007). Universally Accessible Games. Presentation and demonstration at the session entitled "Game Accessibility Arcade (Day One)", at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) 2007.

5. Grammenos, D., (2007). Universally Accessible Games. Presentation and demonstration at the session entitled "Game Accessibility Arcade (Day Two)", at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) 2007.

6. Grammenos, D., (2007). Universally Accessible Games. Presentation and demonstration at the session entitled "Game Accessibility Arcade (Day Three)", at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) 2007.

7. Grammenos, D., Georgalis, G. (2006). Universally Accessible Games. Presentation at the Games and Accessibility Panel at the ACM SIGGRAPH Video Game Symposium 2006. (PDF version: 749 Kb, PPS version: 2.9 MB)

8. Grammenos, D., Georgalis, G. (2006). Universally Accessible Games. Presentation at the IGDA Accessibility Workshop at the "Develop in Brighton" Game Developers Conference 2006.

9. Grammenos, D., Georgalis, G. (2006). Universally Accessible Games: The case of motor impaired users. Presentation at the tutorial entitled "Game Not Over: Expanding the Market through Accessible Games", at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) 2006 (PDF version: 2.6 MB, PPS version: 4.2 MB)