In an event held at the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs to commemorate the "Safer Internet Day 2012" on Tuesday February 7, 2012, the statistics of the reports received by the Hotline Safeline for illegal content or illegal behaviour on the Internet were presented to the Minister Anna Diamantopoulou by Mrs. Meltini Christodoulaki, Communications Liaison SafeLine, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation of Research and Technology (FORTH) .
In the year 2011, SafeLine received in total 3635 reports, a figure which shows the constant vigilance of the Greek Internet users, in respect to illegal activities and online trafficking of illegal material. The breakdown of the reports received by the Hotline is as follows: Personal data 31%, Spam/ Phishing 20%, Financial fraud 12% Communication 12%, Slander 9 %, Child Pornography 7%, Racism- Xenophobia 4%, Threat 3%, Copyright 2%.
Compared to previous years, a significant increase in reports related to child pornography has been noted and even in the second half of 2011 the number of reports related to child pornography has doubled if compared to the first half of the year. Overall, reports of such content were more than one hundred in total and in order to be effectively dealt with, they are recorded in the common database of INHOPE ( of which SafeLine is a member, and from there the reports are forwarded to other report hotlines, based on the country of origin of the illegal website. The fight against child pornography, and in general against all those crimes that have to do with children’s dignity continues, as it is SafeLine’s primary goal.
It needs to be pointed out that the percentage of the number of reports received regarding the popular social networking site Facebook reached 35% in 2011. In order to process all those reports about the Facebook that have to do with personal data breach, credentials’ theft, cyber bullying, etc., SafeLine is in direct communication with the administrators of the popular website. Through this communication, the opportunity to promote the reports and find a solution to every problem a Greek user may have is available.
The Institute of Computer Science and the Foundation for Research and Technology operate the Hotline SafeLine since the 2003, which since 2009 SafeLine is a member of the Greek Safer Internet Centre. The aim of this effort is to eliminate online material presenting child abuse, to defend the right of children to a safe online surfing, the tackling of bullying through cyberspace or mobile phone as well as the elimination of violence, racism, xenophobia and generally anything which is contrary to the Greek legislation. SafeLine is supported by the Safer Internet Programme of the European Committee under the projects NetWatch, SafeLine, SafeLine2 and Saferinternet EL AN-
HL-HELP and since 2005 is an official member of INHOPE (International Association of Internet Hotlines).
Mrs. Meltini Christodoulaki, Communications Liaison SafeLine (, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) Εmail:, phone number. 2810391615