DebateLab is a new project of the Research and Technology Foundation (FORTH) in collaboration with the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” (NCSRD). The project intends to pioneer research towards developing the required theoretical machinery and also delivering a suite of e-journalism tools and services, designed to help the professional perform more efficiently his daily professional activity, specialized in the domain of e-journalism.
DebateLab will explore and analyze a range of research challenges such as the representation and visualization of real arguments, expressed in journalistic articles, the searching and correlation of arguments with external relevant sources aimed at enriching and improving the quality of the content of the article, the retrieval and annotation of articles, and also various other services that will contribute to the automation of the online journalism.
For more information, you can visit the website of the DebateLab project in the following link:
DebateLab is also active in the following social media Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.