Up to a few years ago, the typical robot was a dangerous and powerful machine, used in confined areas to execute dangerous and repetitive tasks (e.g., welding together the different parts composing the car body). Recently, robots have evolved into something radically different: intelligent robots (IR). IRs are lightweight and agile machines endowed with sufficient computing power to execute autonomous tasks in human-populated areas. This new generation of machines can directly collaborate with humans in the execution of their work, provide support and relief to weak users (e.g., older adults with physical and cognitive deficits) and transport goods and even people between different locations in the environment. To operate properly, IR need adequate motion planning algorithms that satisfy the necessary safety constraints and exhibit socially acceptable behaviours. When we meet other people in a public space, we do not treat them as moving obstacles: we anticipate their choice, establish non-verbal communication protocols and use the shared space in safe and efficient ways. For years, the holy grail of robotic research on human-aware motion planning has been to seek solutions that could replicate, at least in part, some of these complex behavioural patterns. In this talk, we will review some of the results of the IDRA group in this area focusing on three different sub-problems: 1. predict the motion of the humans in the scene, 2. integrate this prediction into motion planning algorithms to generate smooth and socially acceptable motions, 3. account for the psychological interaction whereby humans and robots can influence each other’s decision to produce a desired behaviour.
Luigi Palopoli received his Master Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Pisa in 1998, and received the PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in 2002. He is Professor in Computer Engineering at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell’Informazione, University of Trento, where he is currently leading the Master in Artificial Intelligence Systems. His main research activities are in Robotics (with a particular focus on Assistive Robotics), embedded system design (with a particular focus language solutions and probabilistic techniques for soft real–time systems). He has led several industrial and academic research projects, including H2020 ACANTO and FP7 DALi. He has also served in the program committee of different conferences in the area of real-time and control systems. He is currently associate editor of the IEEE transactions on automatic control and of the Elsevier Journal of System Architecture.