Ioannis (Yiannis) Sourdis is a Professor in Computer Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. He has an engineering diploma Dipl-Eng (2002) and a MSc (2004) in ECE from the TU Crete, Greece, and a PhD (2007) in computer engineering from TU Delft, The Netherlands. His research interests include architecture and design of computer and networking systems, reconfigurable computing, interconnection networks and multiprocessor parallel systems. From 2007 until 2010, Sourdis contributed to the coordination of the HiPEAC Network-of-Excellence (NoE) cluster on Reconfigurable Computing. He holds a patent in an address lookup technique for network routing for which he has received a Dutch STW valorization grant. In 2015, he received an award for co-authoring one of the 25 most significant papers in the FPL conference (during the 25 years history of the conference), that most strongly influenced theory and practice in the field of reconfigurable computing. Sourdis participated in the Pro3, EASY, SARC and HiPEAC FP5 and FP6 European projects; he has coordinated the DeSyRe FP7 project; he participated in the JTI-Artemis EMC2 project as well as in the SHARCS, COSSIM and ECOSCALE Horizon 2020 projects; he also participated in the MEDIAN Cost Action. Moreover, he has received a personal grant from the Swedish research council for the project ScalaNets on Network and Stream processing using reconfigurable computing. Finally, he is member of the HiPEAC NoE, member of IEEE and ACM.