The emergence of a web of everything is identified as the next big concept to support societal changes and economic growth. The Internet of Things concept has evolved rapidly in recent years. It can be seen as an umbrella term for interconnected technologies, devices, objects and services. Nevertheless, after many years of heavy discussion, there is still no clear and common definition of the concept. And yet the application scenarios and market opportunities offered by objects communicating actively and autonomously extend far beyond the foreseeable horizon. The development of IoT applications the last few years has become a hype, while the exploitation of these applications is not always clear. The business challenges are huge and despite the countless research activities until now, significant technological issues remain. This talk will cover a wide range of topics on IoT, discussing the design of IoT architectures based on the IoT-A Architectural Reference Model (ARM) and analyzing the potential of IoT for new business, presenting business models for various domains.
Alessandro Bassi graduated in Computer Science from the University in Milan in 1994.
He joined Amadeus in January 1997, and he moved to the University of Tennessee in 2000, where he was involved in the seminal work of the Internet Backplane Protocol. From 2002 he then held a Research Visitor position at the Ecole Normale Superieure in Lyon, France. After working one year for RIPE NCC, in November 2004 he joined Hitachi Europe. He has more than 15 years of experience in developing Computer Science technologies. He worked more than 10 years ago on the seminal concepts of Logistical Net- working, which can be defined as the global scheduling and optimisation of data movement, storage and computation based on a model that takes into account all the network’s underlying physical resources. Those ideas, developed into a middleware platform back in 2000, are at the foundations of grid computing and cloud concepts. Since 2007 he is the chair of the Internet of Things WG of the European Technology Platform ”EpoSS”, focused on Smart Systems Integration. In this function, he co-organised, together with the European Commission, a number of events including the workshop ”Beyond RFID - The Internet of Things”, held in Brussels in 2008. He was part of the group that wrote the Strategic Research Agenda on Future Internet. Furthermore, he is one of the members of the IoT Expert group for the European Commission. In 2010, he left Hitachi to start his own consulting company, Alessandro Bassi Consulting, based in France. He also was the Technical Coordinator of the Lighthouse project regarding the Internet of Things in the Framework Programme 7, “Internet of Things - Architecture” (IoT-A). He authored a book, "Enabling Things to Talk", on Internet of Things. Alessandro has been a keynote speaker in more than 100 events.