Motivated by the prevalence of large graph-structured data, there has been a recent proliferation of research on managing, querying and analyzing big graphs. In this talk, I will first survey recent work on graph data management placing a special emphasis on the evolution of graphs over time. Then, I will present our ongoing work on querying the history of evolving graphs and in particular on indexes for historical reachability queries.
Evaggelia Pitoura is a Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Ioannina, Greece where she also leads the Distributed Management of Data Laboratory. She received a BSc degree from the University of Patras, Greece, and an MS and PhD degree from Purdue University, USA. Her research interests are in the area of distributed data management systems with a recent focus on social network and graph databases. Her publications include more than 150 articles in international journals (including TODS, TKDE, TPDS, PVLDB) and conferences (including SIGMOD, ICDE, EDBT, CIKM, WWW) and a highly-cited book on mobile computing. She is the recipient of three Best Paper Awards (ICDE 1999, DBSocial 2013, PVLDB 2013), a Marie Currie Fellowship (2009) and two Recognition of Service Awards from ACM. She was the group leader, senior PC co-chair and serves regularly on the PC of many top data management conferences, while her research has been funded by the EC and national sources.