We present a modular framework for distributed abstract argumentation where the argumentation context, that is information about preferences among arguments, values, validity, reasoning mode(skeptical vs. credulous) and even the chosen semantics can be explicitly represented. The framework generalizes earlier work by Modgil on meta-argumentation.
A collection of abstract argument systems is connected via mediators. Each mediator integrates information coming from connected argument systems (thereby handling conflicts within this information) and determines the context used in a particular argumentation module. The framework can be used in different directions; e.g., for hierarchic argumentation as typically found in legal reasoning, or to model group argumentation processes. This is joint work with Thomas Eiter.
Gerhard Brewka is a professor of Intelligent Systems at University of Leipzig, Germany, where he also directs the doctoral program on knowledge representation. His main research interests are knowledge representation, in particular nonmonotoninc reasoning, preference handling, inconsistency handling, reasoning about action, models of argumentation, and answer set programming. Brewka was program chair of ECAI-06, the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, and KR-08, the International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. He is an ECCAI fellow and current president of ECCAI, the European Coordinating Committee on Artificial Intelligence.