In the first part of this talk, I will go over our methods on establishing a secure group communications framework for resource constrained, infrastructure-less networks, optimizing a number of metrics of interest, from the point of view of Key Management (KM). Our work focuses on the design of efficient, robust, group KM schemes, capable of distributed operation where key infrastructure components are absent or inaccessible, that accomplish the following: (a) better performance than this of existing schemes for similar environments, (b) successfully handle network dynamics and failures, in networks of large number of nodes. We present algorithms and protocols for handling membership changes, disruptions and failures with low overhead for initial key establishment or steady state. In an effort to reduce the suboptimal performance of protocols when executed without topological considerations, underlying routing is integrated into the design by the definition of topology oriented communication schedules, using novel lightweight heuristics.
In the second part of the talk, we focus on improving the expected user performance metrics associated with flooding link state routing information. We compare existing schemes such as this of Multi-Point Relays with our new approach which is based on the use of Connected Dominating Set (CDSs). We develop asymptotic analytical bounds for the approaches under study, and conduct a comparative performance evaluation to determine under which conditions one approach is more suitable than another. We only introduce the Hexagon-based representative of our models - CDS-HEX - as it provides the lowest routing overhead among other properties. We describe our heuristics to generate CDS-HEX in a distributed fashion from a random placement of nodes, so that it simulates the described analytical model as close as possible.
Maria Striki is a senior research scientist in the department of "Advanced Technologies" at Telcordia Technologies Inc, New Jersey, USA, since February 2007. She received her Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in 2006 and 2004 respectively, from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at University of Maryland, College Park, USA. She received her Diploma in July 1999 from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, with honors.
Her research interests include wireless communications and wireless, mobile, ad hoc, cellular networks, algorithms and optimization targeting distributed networks, routing, cross-layer design, security (with emphasis on the design of key generation, distribution, authentication, and secure routing protocols). Her Ph.D. research focused on the design and optimization of algorithms and techniques for secure communications in resource constrained networks. While serving at Telcordia Technologies, she has participated in a number of government and/or commercial projects on: (1) design and implementation of optimized routing protocols, under the Component Based Routing (CBR) theory consideration, (2) systems design, and (3) design and incorporation of IEC function in 802.21 to the existing NS-2 based framework of 802.16/11.
She is the recipient of the second Award in Telecommunications from Ericsson for her undergraduate work on Location Area Planning for Cellular Networks, in summer 2000. She is recipient of the Greek National Scholarship Foundation Award. She has publications in highly rated IEEE conferences, has been involved in the organization of conferences, and has been serving as a reviewer in a number of IEEE conferences and journals. She is an IEEE member, and a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece.