Private Virtual Cluster (PVC) is middleware project targeted to
Roberto Podesta' was born in Genoa in 1977. He got a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Communication Technology from the University of Genoa in 2007. In the same university he served also as research assistant, lecturer, and associate researcher. During his activity he cooperated with the GRIDS Lab of the University of Melbourne (Australia) and with some industrial research division of enterprises as Telecom Italia and Marconi-Ericsson. In October 2007 he joined the Grand-large project at the INRIA section in Orsay (France) as research fellow supported by the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM).
His main research interests include distributed and heterogeneous computing systems and technologies, and, in particular, Peer to Peer architectures, Grid-, and Autonomic- Computing.