In this talk, I will present analysis results of email communications in a large-scale enterprise network. Our study first focuses on understanding the social graph induced by email communications between individual users. Specifically, we examine how email communication flows are correlated with user profiles, the organization structure, and how outside information penetrates the enterprise. We then concentrate on understanding the information processing load imposed to users and the strategies applied by users in email triage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first measurement study of email communications of a global enterprise network comprising email data from over 100,000 employees spread across multiple continents.
Our analysis results inform the design of network applications that takes into account typical user behaviour in social interactions and solitary information processing. Our large-scale dataset further allows us to examine the validity of several hypotheses suggested by the social network theory.
Thomas Karagiannis is a researcher with the systems and networking group at Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK. His research interests include Internet measurements and monitoring, analysis and modelling of Internet application traffic dynamics, social networking, peer-to-peer networks and home networks. He received his Ph.D at the Computer Science department of the University of California, Riverside under the supervision of Associate Professor Michalis Faloutsos.
Before joining Microsoft Research, Thomas has been also with Intel Research in Cambridge, UK and the Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA). He received his B.S. at the department of Applied Informatics of the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece.