In this talk, I will describe HomeMaestro, a distributed system for monitoring and instrumentation of home networks. By performing extensive measurements at the host level HomeMaestro infers application network requirements, and identifies network-related problems. By sharing and correlating information across hosts in the home network, HomeMaestro automatically detects and resolves contention over network resources among applications based on predefined policies. Finally, our system implements a distributed virtual queue to enforce those policies by prioritizing applications without additional assistance from network equipment such as routers or access points. In the talk, I will outline the challenges in managing home networks, describe the design choices and the architecture of our system, and highlight the performance og HomeMaestro components in typical home scenarios.
(Joint work with Elias Athanasopoulos, Thomas Karagiannis, and Peter Key).
Christos is a researcher in the Systems and Networking Group in Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK. He holds a Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, and a bachelors from University of Patras, Greece, both in computer science. He is interested in content distribution networks, peer-to-peer technologies, analysis and modelling of complex communication networks, and wireless mesh networking. Christos is a member of IEEE and ACM.