In the near future, the way of using the Internet is changing. The Internet and services are available for millions of small mobile terminal devices. Additionally, different network technologies make things a bit more complicated. The convergence of networks, terminal devices, and their user interface raise new demands on services. Many of these challenges can be solved by deploying an efficient service and resource discovery mechanism.
Mr. Mika Pennanen received his M.Sc. degree in computer science (specialisation area: Intelligent Systems) from the University of Helsinki. Title of the thesis was "Agents In Virtual Home Environment". He has researched at VTT since 2000 and research interests are focusing mobile agents and peer-to-peer technology. Since 2002, he has been a project manager in several projects that are focusing grid and p2p technologies. Also he has co-operating with other Finnish universities in research areas as grid and p2p technologies. He has experience in national and international projects relating to Mobile Internet, distributed systems (including grid and p2p) and agent technology. He has actively participated several international projects and project proposals.