
[ICS-963] Position for an engineer/developer/programmer

The Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) announces one position for an engineer/developer/programmer with competitive salary in the area of wireless networks.

Research topics include wireless networking, software-defined radios, and geo-databases.

We would like to invite motivated candidates to apply for this position, which is fully funded by the CoRLAB project, a GSRT research excellence,investigator-driven grant.

Required Qualifications:
The position require an in-depth understanding of wireless networks and strong programming and systems development expertise. Candidates should have a M.Sc. (or be near completion) in a relevant field. Experience on security, databases, and geographical information systems will be a plus.

The successful candidate will be offered a contract for one year (with the possibility of renewal). The position can start immediately. Competitive salary.

Interested candidates should submit by email a curriculum vitae, with an emphasis and detailed description of their programming/development skills and experience, and two references. The consideration of the applications will start immediately.

Additional information about the position:
Email to Prof. Maria Papadopouli