WiVi-2020 opens 6 PhD positions
The WiVi-2020 Consortium is recruiting six (6) PhD students as “Early-Stage Researchers” (ESRs) at (i) The Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas (FORTH, Greece) (ii) Linköping University (LiU, Sweden), and (iii) CYTA Hellas (CYTA, Greece), on the research areas of flexible spectrum, heterogeneous access, and network virtualization.
In particular the following six topics are to be assigned to the recruited researchers:
Each post has secured funding for 36 Months by the EU under the rules of the MSCA ITN EID Scheme and provides a very competitive salary (with fully covered social security fees and additional allowance for family obligations). The recruited researchers are required to:
Eligibility rules:
Application Procedure:
The recruitment will follow a three-step procedure, with a first-come-first served policy. i.e. we will evaluate applications upon reception and proceed to evaluate applicants individually and progress them individually along the steps below. The final ranking however will be time-independent.
Step 1. Researcher application
Applicants should send an e-mail to jobs@wivi-2020.eu with subject “WiVi-2020 application” containing only one single .pdf file with the following, in English:
* CV must (a) be in the Europass format and (b) contain:
Application cutoff date for submission of Step 1: July 19, 2015
Step 2. Research proposal
After the first phase a notification letter will be sent to a short list of candidates and they will be invited to provide a short research proposal on topics of the project to identify specific skills. Specific instructions and evaluation criteria will be provided to the selected candidates. The recruitment committee will then arrange an online interview with finally shortlisted candidates. After this phase, the recruitment committee will rank and admit 6 candidates to the final step with 6 more candidates being on the reserve list.
Step 3. PhD studentship application
Once selected by the WiVi-2020 consortium for the ESR positions the six applicants will be encouraged to apply for PhD studentship at the appropriate university. By the EU-H2020 MSCA funding scheme rules, failure to comply with the admittance procedure and requirements in a PhD program of LiU or UoC will render the candidate ineligible to be offered the position. Detailed instructions will be provided to the selected candidates.
For more information of WiVi-2020, the ESR projects, the recruiting sites, and the consortium partners, and also the application process visit our project website or email us at jobs@wivi-2020.eu.
The WiVi-2020 partners are equal opportunity employers; recognizing the current gender imbalance in the engineering domain, WiVi-2020 is committed to strive for gender balance in the recruited applicants.
WiVi-2020 Contact Persons
FORTH Dr. Elias Tragos: etragos “at” ics.forth.gr
Linköping University Prof. Vangelis Angelakis: vangelis.angelakis ”at” liu.se
CYTA Hellas Dr. Theodoros Mouroutis: theodoros.mouroutis “at” hq.cyta.gr
1 Details can be found in: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/doc/call/h2020/h2020-msca-itn-2014/1590152-itn_2014_-_guide_for_applicants_1.2_en.pdf. Each recruiting site will provide the funds for the non-EU funded part of the project.