KP-Lab focuses on creating a learning system aimed at facilitating innovative practices of sharing, creating and working with knowledge in education and workplaces.
KP-Lab aims at developing theories, tools, and practical models that enchance deliberate advancement and creation of knowledge as well as transformation of knowledge practices. The essential way of developing the collaborative technologies is a co-evolution process of researchers, technological developers and users. Therefore, the design principles are the following: 1. Organizing activity around collaborative advancement of knowledge artefacts, 2. "Symmetric knowledge advancement" around authentic problems, 3. Deliberate transformation of knowledge practices, 4. Co-evolution of tools, social practices, and agents.
KP-Lab involves design experiments and longitudinal studies in educational institutions and professional organizations. The technology builds on emerging technologies, such as semantic web, real-time multimedia communication, ubiquitous access using wireless devices, and interorganisational computing. The technologies will be mostly based on open source technology. The first three years will be a research and development phase, and the two last years will be a dissimination and exploitation phase.
The consortium is planned to represent different expertise. Researchers representing both pedagogy and psychology define and investigate the models of tools and practices; researchers of technology investigate and develop the technological solutions; enterprises offer authentic environments for investigation and they also participate in the development of technological tools, and institutions representing end-users participate in the co-evolutionary processes.