
[ICS-2306] Πλήρωση μίας (1) θέσης έκτακτου προσωπικού «Μηχανικό Λογισμικού για ανάπτυξη λογισμικού»
Στο πλαίσιο της υλοποίησης της Πράξης/έργου με τίτλο «European Digital Innovation Hub for Smart Health: Precision Medicine and Innovative E-health Services και ακρωνύμιο «smartHEALTH», η οποία συγχρηματοδοτείται μέσω της Δράσης «Ευρωπαϊκοί Κόμβοι Ψηφιακής Καινοτομίας» του Προγράμματος «Ψηφιακή Ευρώπη 2021-2017» και του Προγράμματος «Ανταγωνιστικότητα 2021-2027» [δυνάμει της με α/α 006, Α/Α Πρόσκλησης ΟΠΣ 1806 Πρόσκλησης με τίτλο «Ανάπτυξη Δικτύου των Ευρωπαϊκών Κόμβων Ψηφιακής Καινοτομίας - ΕΚΨΚ (European Digital Innovation Hubs – EDIHS) που χρηματοδοτούνται από το Πρόγραμμα «Ψηφιακή Ευρώπη»» για την υποβολή προτάσεων στο Πρόγραμμα «Ανταγωνιστικότητα» με έναρξη επιλεξιμότητας δαπανών την ημερομηνία υποβολής των προτάσεων στο Πρόγραμμα «Ψηφιακή Ευρώπη» στο πλαίσιο της από 17.11.2021 Πρόσκλησης (DIGITAL 2021-EDIH-01] το Ινστιτούτο Πληροφορικής του Ιδρύματος Τεχνολογίας και Έρευνας (ΙΠ-ΙΤΕ) προτίθεται να απασχολήσει έκτακτο προσωπικό για την πλήρωση μιας θέσης «Μηχανικό Λογισμικού για ανάπτυξη λογισμικού».
Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 20-01-2025
Closing date: 30-01-2025
[ICS-2305] Call for expression of interest for a position of a part-time Postdoc Researcher for data management and analysis
The candidate will participate in the R&D work of FORTH within the Althea project. We are looking for a Postdoc Researcher, to be part of the team designing, implementing and testing the core telepsychology module of the platform as well as the symptom tracking module.
Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 20-01-2025
Closing date: 30-01-2025
[ICS-2304] Call for expression of interest for a position of a part-time Software Engineer for software development
The candidate will participate in the R&D work of FORTH within the Althea project. We are looking Software Engineer, to be part of the team designing, implementing and testing the consent management tool of the technical infrastructure of the project.
Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 20-01-2025
Closing date: 30-01-2025
[ICS-2303] Call for expression of interest for a position of a Research Associate
We seek a member for our team with a background in Information and communication systems. The candidate will participate in the Management and Development activities of FORTH in the context of the project “PATTERN: Planning a Digital Twin for Greener Road Infrastructure, funded under HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-04. The candidate will participate in all aspects of the project with focus to the Pilot Planning, R&D Design and development, IPR. Moreover, the candidate will also assist in the Project Management activities including administrative and technical reporting.
Laboratory: DISCS
Date of announcement: 20-01-2025
Closing date: 03-02-2025
[ICS-2302] Call for expression of interest for one (1) position of an R&D engineer in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering
We seek one (1) R&D Enginner in Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. The candidate will participate in the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the EuroHPC JU-funded project NET4EXA. The NET4EXA project aims to create an advanced interconnect, which will scale to hundreds of thousands of computing nodes and will support modern HPC systems that are designed for massive AI tasks, such as the training of Large Language Models. The interconnect forms the backbone of such systems, and their overall performance is intimately tied to the scalability of the network and its tight coupling with the high-end compute elements.
Laboratory: CARV
Date of announcement: 20-01-2025
Closing date: 30-01-2025
[ICS-2301] Call for expression of interest for one (1) position for an R&D Engineer with a degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering
We seek one (1) recent graduate Research & Development Engineer with a degree in Computer Science or Computer Engineering for our team. The candidate will contribute to the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the EC-funded project HIGHER, particularly in (i) development of low-level control firmware and system software, and (ii) validation and evaluation of use cases. The HIGHER project follows the Open Compute Project (OCP) Server family of standards to build processor modules for computation and acceleration, alongside a system security/control module. The project aims to build modular rack-scale systems, running with fully-featured operating systems and runtimes, and incorporating reusable standards-based infrastructure that encompasses hardware, low-level firmware, and systems software, while ensuring trustworthy functionality for managing, securing, and controlling servers. The project's open-source hardware and software outcomes will enhance European Digital Autonomy and facilitate wide adoption. Furthermore, the project will assemble representative software stacks supporting a range of use cases, including accelerated data processing and analysis for converged Cloud and HPC platforms, Infrastructure-as-a-Service with standardized management and monitoring, Platform-as-a-Service facilitating large-scale data processing for ML inference and data analytics, and memory pool management at the server rack level, with access control safeguards aligned with maturing CXL standards.
Laboratory: CARV
Date of announcement: 16-01-2025
Closing date: 27-01-2025


[ICS-1842] Call for expression of interest for one position for a student enrolled to a University MSc Program, in Computer Science or Computer Engineering at the Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH).
We seek one student enrolled to a University MSc Program for our team. The candidates will participate in the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the project “CYBERSPACE”.
Ανάκληση προκήρυξης θέσης ICS-1842 (.pdf)
Laboratory: DISCS
Date of announcement: 11-02-2022
Closing date: 21-02-2022
[ICS-1841] Call for expression of interest for one (1) Senior Research Collaborator in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
We seek an experienced member for our team, a Senior Research Collaborator (full‐time), with strong background in European Research Projects. The candidate will participate in activities of FORTH in the area of cybersecurity and mobile forensics in the context of the projects “FORMOBILE”, “CC‐DRIVER”, “CyberSPACE”, and “CyberSec4Europe”.
Laboratory: DISCS
Date of announcement: 10-02-2022
Closing date: 25-02-2022
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 6ΜΘ7469ΗΚΥ-5Η0)
[ICS-1840] Πρόσκληση εκδήλωσης ενδιαφέροντος για την πλήρωση μίας (1) θέσης έκτακτου προσωπικού (Αρχαιολόγου) στο πλαίσιο του Έργου με τίτλο «Διάχυτη Νοημοσύνη» του ΙΠ-ΙΤΕ
Το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης του έκτακτου προσωπικού, στο πλαίσιο του παρόντος έργου, αφορά την έρευνα, συλλογή, καταγραφή και παραγωγή πληροφοριακού υλικού από αρχαιολογικούς χώρους.
Laboratory: HCI
Date of announcement: 09-02-2022
Closing date: 24-02-2022
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: ΨΔ47469ΗΚΥ-Ν4Ο)
[ICS-1839] Call for expression of interest for a position of Software Engineer for Knowledge Discovery Expert in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
The candidate will participate in the R&D work of FORTH within the “ODIN” project. We are looking for a Software Engineer to be part of the team designing, implementing and testing computational tools and services and enabling efficient and effective data mining of heterogeneous and multi-scale biomedical data with the end goal to maximize information and enhance knowledge generation for the ODIN platform.
Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 08-02-2022
Closing date: 23-02-2022
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 6Θ42469ΗΚΥ-ΘΓ8)
[ICS-1838] Call for expression of interest for two (2) positions of students enrolled to a University MSc Program, in the context of the project DEEP-SEA
We seek two (2) students enrolled to a University MSc Program for our team. The candidates will contribute to the coordination and management of R&D activities of FORTH-ICS, in a full-time (preferred) or part-time capacity, particularly in the context of the project DEEP-SEA: “DEEP – SOFTWARE FOR EXASCALE ARCHITECTURES”. The 3-year Research & Innovation project DEEP-SEA starts in April 2021, and is co-funded by the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) and the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Innovation. It aims at improving software support for highly heterogeneous systems, which combine different processing units and diverse memory technologies. DEEP-SEA adopts the modular supercomputing architecture (MSA), and considers heterogeneity and performance at both the node level and at the system cluster level. Composability, programmability, portability, malleability, and reliability are targeted with a comprehensive system software and programming environment, which combines traditional models (MPI, OpenMP, OmpSs, GASPI) with higher-level, hardware-agnostic approaches (NabLab, DaCe).
Laboratory: CARV
Date of announcement: 08-02-2022
Closing date: 23-02-2022
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 6ΝΚ4469ΗΚΥ-ΙΓ0)
