The main objective of the project is to monitor European health consumer’s use of, their attitudes to and their needs with regards to information and communication technology for health purposes, eHealth. We understand health consumers as patients, patients’ friends and relatives and citizens in general. A bi-annual survey on eHealth consumer trends will be developed and carried out .The survey is founded on the understanding that development of new eHealth services at the patient point of care, to a large extent is consumer-driven. That is, acceptability and adoption of services that directly involves consumers is unlikely unless the services are based on knowledge about consumers and their needs and attitudes. The results will be of value to authorities (decisions on the implementation of services, rules for reimbursement and so forth), researchers (formulation of hypotheses, theory building) and commercial parties (development of new services) across Europe. The survey will result in scientific journals, a joint European publication as well as one publication for each participating country.