Costs and quality of healthcare are lively issues in Europe, with mainly state-funded medicine. Most health care systems are oriented towards the treatment of acute complications. The overall quality of care of chronic diseases, however, is considered not to be sufficient. Less costly and more effective healthcare systems for Europe’s citizens’ is the major objective of "Healthcare Networks", the application 7 of the Bangemann action-plan, also application 24 and 25 of "Towards the Information Society in the Central and Eastern European Countries". To meet this objective a network of organ transplant centers should be created, based on common standards linking tissue typing laboratories, donor hospitals and different diagnostic centers on the European scale. RETRANSPLANT will implement such a regional network to link different national organ transplant systems, to give on-line access to European transplant coordinators, donor centers, diagnostic specialists, to increase Europe-wide the effectiveness of organ transplant services. RETRANSPLANT is stimulating partnerships between those who are involved in research, development and implementation of information technologies, and user organisations of the different tools of the Health Telematics. RETRANSPLANT consortium believes, that the health care of tomorrow needs to go to patients where they live, instead of patients going to the health care systems. Such a system will save money and lives.