The EC-funded BIOINFOMED Study (EC-IST 2001-35024) has recently carried out a prospective analysis of the relationships and synergy between Bioinformatics (Bl) and Medical Informatics (Ml).There is a great potential for synergy between both disciplines with a view on continuity and individualisation of healthcare, so that the benefits of the human genome elucidation can reach the population, but that a collaborative effort between the two disciplines is needed to bridge the current gap between them. Biomedical Informatics (BMI) is the emerging discipline that aims to put these two worlds together so that the discovery and creation of novel diagnostic and therapeutic methods is fostered. The INFOBIOMED network aims to set a durable structure for the described collaborative approach at a European level, mobilising the critical mass of resources necessary for enabling the collaborative approach that supports the consolidation of BMI as a crucial scientific discipline for future healthcare. The specific objectives of INFOBIOMED are: