The Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems (CARV) Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Science (ICS), FORTH, was established in 1988. CARV promotes research, development, and education in the design and implementation of Computing Systems. We develop state-of-the-art prototypes, infrastructures, and innovative technologies that aim to stimulate enterpreneurship and impact the industry.
Press release: Greece among the leaders in Europe in the field of Supercomputing technologies (in Greek)
Press release: FORTH among the leaders in Europe in the field of Supercomputing technologies (in Greek)
Press release: "Hello World!": The first test chip of the European Processor RISC-V shows signs of life in Heraklion, Crete (in Greek)
Press release: Best paper award in top conference of the parallel programming field
Press release: PERSIST - How to Compute in Persistent Memory Systems
CARV brings together multi-disciplinary expertise in the mutually interacting areas of nanoelectronic circuits and systems, architecture, systems software, compilers, parallel programming, and concurrency theory. Our current and past activities are:
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