Our research in this area deals with the study of pricing schemes for ATM networks. Our focus is in two areas. First, we are developing pricing models which have a sound theoretical justification and satisfy desirable properties such as the accurate and fair reflection of the network resource utilization, the protection of the network from malicious use, the maximisation of the network and user welfare, and are easy to implement. Areas we are investigating include the application of effective bandwidths in pricing schemes, the use of microeconomic models, and recent proposals for Internet transport pricing. Also important are the development of methods for on-line QoS monitoring, appropriate for the needs of the pricing algorithms and the exploitation of existing technologies for monitoring and shaping of network traffic.
Second, we are investigating the requirements that pricing models impose on the network management architecture. This involves the extension of existing MIBs to support charging functions, the decomposition of charging and accounting functions, and the mapping of these to specific management functions implemented in different levels of the management hierarchy.
This work is funded by the E.C. under CA$hMAN, ACTS Project AC-039.
For more info: Vasilios Siris Tel: +30 2810 391726 Email: vsiris "at" ics "dot" forth "dot" gr