A Research and Development project funded by the General Secreteriat for Research and Technology (GSRT), Ministry of Development, running from 25 August 2005 until 25 April 2008.
The project's goal is to deploy a state-of-the-art wireless network infrastructure, which includes a multi-hop multi-channel wireless metropolitan area network covering the city of Heraklion and local wireless environments for software development at the MAC and higher layers, and to perform research and development activities in the areas of advanced wireless technologies and architectures, wireless network security, multimedia and real-time services over wireless networks, and design and management of wireless networks supporting QoS. Additionally, the project seeks to enhance the consulting services offered by the Telecommunications and Networks Lab at FORTH-ICS in the area of field measurements (at layers from the physical up to the application), site surveys, and design and management of local and metropolitan area wireless networks.
Papers in International Conferences:
Papers in International Magazines:
Recent Papers:
Presentations/Demonstrations in companies and research centers:
Recent Presentations:
For more info: Vasilios Siris Tel: +30 2810 391726 Email: vsiris "at" ics "dot" forth "dot" gr