Voice Commands
To activate speech recognition, select “Speech recognition”
from the “Input” menu. When speech recognition is active,
a text box labelled “Speech command:” is visible below the
bottom left corner of the board. In this box speech commands “heard”
by the system are presented.
Currently available speech recognition commands:
- Welcome screen commands
- Commands for selecting and moving a piece, using square names
- General commands
- Commands for controlling scanning
- Game commands
- Commands for reviewing the board
- Commands used when a pawn is being promoted
- Commands for setting input preferences
- Commands for setting output preferences
- Commands for player settings
- Network screen commands
- Commands used with confirmation dialogues
a. Welcome screen commands
- "player 1"
- "player 2"
- "next profile"
- "previous profile"
- "select profile"
- "command play"
b. Commands for selecting and moving a piece, using square names
- "From" <square name>
- "To" <square name>
- "Move"
A <square name> is composed of the square’s file (i.e., a letter from “A” to “H”), plus its rank (i.e., a number from “1” to “8”), e.g., A2, B7, C4. In addition to using the “traditional” letter names, the NATO phonetic alphabet can be used, to improve speech recognition results. The NATO alphabet uses the following keywords for naming the letters:
- (A)lfa
- (B)ravo
- (C)harlie
- (D)elta
- (E)cho
- (F)oxtrot
- (G)olf
- (H)otel
Examples of playing using speech recognition:
- You say, "From A2" (short pause – check if square A2 is selected), "to A4" (short pause), "move".
- Using the NATO alphabet: "From Charlie 7", "to Hotel 5", "move".
- You can also mix the two alphabets: "From Golf 4", "to E3", "move".
c. General commands
- "command stop": stops speaking.
- "command repeat" : repeats the last sentence that was spoken.
d. Commands for controlling scanning
- "scan next": focus moves to the next item.
- "scan previous": focus moves to the previous item.
- "scan select": the item that has the focus is selected.
e. Game commands
- "command new game"
- "command network game"
- "command disconnect" (if connected to a network game)
- "command load game"
- "command save game"
- "command quit game"
- "command go back"
f. Commands for reviewing the board
- "read selected piece"
- "read board"
- "read rank"
- "read file"
- "read lower diagonals"
- "read upper diagonals"
- "read opponents positions"
- "read possible moves"
- "read which pieces can move"
- "read who is playing"
- "read last move"
- "read all moves"
- "read focus"
g. Commands used when a pawn is being promoted
- "knight": the knight is selected.
- "queen": the queen is selected.
- "bishop": the bishop is selected.
- "rook": the rook is selected.
- "promote": the pawn is promoted to the selected piece.
h. Commands for setting input preferences
- "command speech recognition off"
- "command text input on"
- "command text input off"
- "command scanning on"
- "command scanning off"
- "command scanning manual"
- "command scanning automatic"
- "command scanning slow"
- "command scanning normal"
- "command scanning fast"
- "command scanning small frame"
- "command scanning medium frame"
- "command scanning large frame"
i. Commands for setting output preferences
- "command speech on"
- "command speech off"
- "command screen reader on"
- "command screen reader off"
- "command board on"
- "command board off"
- "command last move on"
- "command last move off"
- "command white at bottom"
- "command white at left"
- "command white at top"
- "command white at right"
j. Commands for player settings
- "“command swap players"
- "command reset profile"
k. Network screen commands
- "players"
- "next player"
- "previous player"
- "select player"
- "command invite"
l. Commands used with confirmation dialogues
- "command + <name of dialogue’s buttons>", e.g., "command Cancel"