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 Human - Computer Interaction Laboratory

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Public Critique

UA-Chess has gained positive public critique from several sources. More specifically, it was:

  • nominated for the final jury decision of the European Design for All Awards set by the European Commission, in the category "AT/Culture, Leisure and Sport";
  • listed at the web site, which provides resources for moderate to severely learning/physically disabled people, and described as a "highly accessible Chess game";
  • listed at the PCS Games web site in a web page entitled "Fantastic Games and where to find them, accessible for the blind";
  • presented in the Newsletter of Accessibility Interest Group by PurpleTop of March 2005 in the section entitled "Sites of Interest" with the following short description: "UA Chess is an accessible chess game with a variety of features including sole mouse, or keyboard (or any type of switches emulating keystrokes) or speech recognition input, including an inbuilt screen reader";
  • ranked 10th (out of 45 entries) at the One Switch Competition organized by the Retro Remakes web site with a score of 86/100 and received the following review comments: "UA Chess is a brave move at making a game as accessible as it possibly can be, supporting more control methods than a thing with a lot of control methods. It is of course, no more and no less than chess at the end of the day and despite being a fantastic game in its own right, its also not the most accessible of games requiring a great deal of thought, knowledge of rules, moves etc... but nonetheless UA Chess is a very impressive piece of work.";
  • suggested in BBC's "Ouch" website, in an article entitled "Ouch Guide to ... Switch Gaming" by Barrie Ellis as a "highly accessible chess game".