Large Deviation Techniques for Traffic Engineering

Some FAQs for the s, t parameters.

This page contains some frequently asked questions regarding the s, t parameters. Both the questions and the answers take an engineering view of the subject. The sources for the answers are
[Kel96], [CW96], [CKW97], [CSS98], and [CSS99].
This is (obviously) a first attempt to address questions that appear to be important or that I have received from time to time. I would appreciate any feedback/additional questions. Send email to

Q.1: What the heck are these s, t parameters?
Q.2: How do they affect resource usage?
Q.3: Why can they be taken to characterize a link's operating point?
Q.4: Why are such parameters needed? Why can't a stream's resource usage be quantified independent of the link and the other traffic it is multiplexed with?
Q.5: How can they be computed?
Q.6: Is there some (engineering) intuition on how they depend on the link resources (capacity, buffer) and traffic type?
Q.7: How about some typical values for these parameters.

Q.1: What the heck are these s, t parameters?
First of all, they are the parameters that appear in the effective bandwidth definition of
[Kel96] effective bandwidth
When used for the analysis of a link (multiplexer) that guarantees some level of performance or quality of service (QoS), parameters s, called the space parameter, and t, called the time parameter, characterize the context of the source, which includes the link resources (capacity and buffer), scheduling discipline, QoS, and traffic mix (percentage and characteristics of the different source types).
Parameter s indicates the degree of statistical multiplexing: Large values of s indicate a low degree of statistical multiplexing; such is the case when we multiplex streams with peak rates not much smaller than the link capacity. On the other hand, small values of s indicate a large degree of statistical multiplexing; such is the case when we multiplex streams with peak rates much smaller than the link capacity. Furthermore, s=infinity corresponds to the case of deterministic multiplexing (i.e., zero probability of overflow). A more mathematical interpretation is the following: over the busy period preceding a buffer overflow the amount of work produced by a stream is exponentially tilted, with tilt parameter s.

Parameter t corresponds to the most probable duration of the buffer busy period prior to overflow. Hence, it indicates the time scales that are important for overflow: A small value of t indicates that fast time scales are responsible for buffer overflow, whereas a large value of t indicates that slow time scales are responsible for buffer overflow. Furthermore, parameter t shows the minimum time granularity that traces must have in order to capture the statistical properties that affect buffer overflow.

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Q.2: How do they affect resource usage?
Consider the parameter s. A very large value of s indicates that the effective bandwidth is close to the maximum value of Xj[0,t]/t, which is the peak rate measured in time intervals of length t. On the other hand, a very small value of s indicates that the effective bandwidth is close to the mean rate.

Now consider the parameter t. A large value of t indicates that slow time scales are responsible for buffer overflow. Due to this we have an averaging effects in the quantity Xj[0,t], which appears in effective bandwidth definition and is the amount of workload produced by a source of type j in a time interval of length t. This typically results in a smaller effective bandwidth.

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Q.3: Why can they be taken to characterize a link's operating point?
The value of parameters s, t, in addition to the link resources (capacity, buffer) also depends on the traffic mix, and hence on each individual source. However, due to statistical multiplexing, for a large system this dependence can be ignored. Such an engineering approach breaks the loop in the definition of the effective bandwidth. Furthermore, for a large degree of multiplexing the s, t parameters are to a large extent insensitive to small variations of the traffic mix. Hence, periods of the day during which the traffic mix remains relatively constant can be characterized by particular pairs.

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Q.4: Why are such parameters needed? Why can't a stream's resource usage be quantified independent of the link and the other traffic it is multiplexed with?
Because both theory (e.g., see
[CLW94],[Kel96], [CW96]) and experimentation with real traffic ([Kni97], [CSS99] have shown that the amount of resources used by a stream depends on the context (i.e., link resources and traffic mix). Quantifying resource usage independent of a stream's context can lead to underutilization or even overutilization of link resources.
Here's an example: Consider three links with capacity C=34, 155,and 622 Mbps that multiplex streams with the famous Star Wars traffic. The buffer size of each link is such that the maximum queueing delay is 4 msec. The effective bandwidth of a single Star Wars stream in each of the three links is EB=0.54, 0.33, and 0.28 Mbps for C=34, 155,and 622 Mbps respectively (by the way, the mean rate of each stream is approximately 0.26 Mbps). As this example shows, the effective bandwidth decreases as the degree of multiplexing increases.

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Q.5: How can they be computed?
There is more than one approach. One approach is to
directly apply the supinf formula on traces of real traffic. Another approach is to calculate them using the interpretation given in [CKW97]. In particular, the time parameter t corresponds to the time scale in which buffer overflow occurs (or in general, the event which is guaranteed not to occur to often). The space parameter s is s_der2, where gamma. Hence, s can be estimated using the ratio of differences s_dif2 (e.g., see [CSS99]). Finally, another approach can be to set the parameters adaptively, or based on experience. For this reason, typical values for these parameters are useful (see Q.7).

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Q.6: Is there some (engineering) intuition on how they depend on the link resources (capacity, buffer) and traffic type?
Yes there is.
Here is a short discussion (and some intuition) on the dependence of
s, t, and the product st on the link parameters and traffic mix. A more complete discussion can be found in [CSS99]. The examples are for actual traces of MPEG-1 video (in particular for the famous Star Wars traffic stream), Motion JPEG video, and modeled voice and videoconference traffic.

Parameter s: Recall that s_der2, hence parameter s indicates how much the QoS increases (the overflow probability decreases) when the buffer is increased. For small values of B one would expect s to be large, since the buffer is used to smooth the fast time scales. Once the fast time scales have been smoothed, the slow time scales govern buffer overflow. Thus, increasing the buffer has a very small effect on the overflow probability, and s is small. The previous behavior is shown in the following graph. Also observe that larger link capacities correspond to smaller values of s.

s_D_star2_col.gif Star Wars traffic

Note that the sharp decrease of the value of s is due to the nature of MPEG-1 traffic. Other traffic can possibly have smaller and/or more jumps, or s can change more smoothly with the buffer; the latter is the case for voice traffic, as shown in the following graph.

s_D_star2_voice_30_col.gif C=155 Mbps

Nevertheless, as shown in the graph below, s depends more on the structure of the traffic rather than the content (the graph below shows s for MPEG traffic with Star Wars, news, and talk show traffic). The graph also shows s for other traffic types (videoconference and Motion JPEG).

s_D_C=149_type_col.gif C=155 Mbps

Parameter t: The dependence of parameter t on the buffer size is shown in the following graph. Observe that the value of t increases with the buffer size, this says that the busy period prior to overflow is typically larger for larger buffer sizes. Also, larger link capacities correspond to larger values of t.

t_D_star2_col.gif Star Wars traffic

Again, t depends on the nature of the traffic, as shown by the following graph.

t_D_star2_voice_30_col.gif C=155 Mbps

Product st: The following hold for the product st: st_der2, hence the product st indicates how much the QoS increases when the capacity increases. When there is a large degree of multiplexing st obtains large values. This occurs because when there is a large degree of multiplexing, t is large hence the streams, for the overflow phenomena, appear smooth. But for smooth traffic, the QoS is affected a lot by changes of the capacity.

st_D_star2_col.gifStar Wars traffic
st_D_star2_col.gif Star Wars traffic

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Q.7: How about some typical values for these parameters.
I have made available some typical values of s,t for various link capacities and buffer sizes for the following traffic types:
MPEG-1 video, Internet WAN traffic, and a traffic mix of MPEG-1 video and voice traffic.

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ICS-FORTH Telecommunications and Networks Division Email:
Email questions/problems to Vasilios A. Siris,
Last updated Fri Nov 13 13:59:28 EET 1998