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 Computer Architecture and VLSI Systems Laboratory

Asynchronous Circuit and System Design Group

Asynchronous Open-Source DLX Processor (ASPIDA)

Synthesis Procedure Summary

A snapshot of the constraints file

General information

This page summarizes the options that we used for the synthesis of the asynchronous DLX. The target device is a Spartan IIE and more specifically the xcs2s200e device. We restricted the maximum fanout of the nets to 100 and allowed register duplication. The optimization effort targets area and the design is flattened, which means that we do not preserve the hierarchy of the design.

Asynchronous DLX

The approach of the implementation of a de-synchronized circuit is different than the approach used in a synchronous circuit. The absence of a clock and the presence of special asynchronous elements in the circuit introduces a number of difficulties that need to be dealt with.

Delay elements are necessary in a de-synchronized circuit in order to match the delay of combinational logic present between a pair of latches. In the timed de-synchronization model a latch should only be enabled after data have arrived at its inputs, thus delay elements matching the delay of combinational logic blocks are used to enforce correct timing, as shown in the figure below.

As data propagate only during the valid phase of the handshake between controllers and not during the return-to-zero phase, assymetric delay elements are used. The figure below shows a possible implementation of an assymetric delay element.

DLX Controllers

Figure below shows the implementation of the DLX controllers. The controllers below coresponds to an implementation of the semi-decoupled four-phase handshake protocol. Figure below depicts an implementation, with static CMOS gates, of a pair of controllers (even and odd) for a fragment of data-path. The figure also shows the marked graphs modeling the behavior of each controller. The only difference is the initial marking, that determines the reset logic (signal RST).

    Resetting the controllers is crucial for a correct behavior. In this case, the even latches are transparent and the odd latches opaque in the initial state. With this strategy, only the odd latches must be reset in the data-path. The implementation also assumes a relative timing constraint (arc Ro- ---> Ri+) that can be easily met with the actual design.

    The controllers also include a delay that must be matched with the delay of the combinational logic incremented by the pulse width of the latch control signal. The implementation of the symmetric (pulse) and the asymmetric (matched) delay elements of the controllers for the DLX is shown in the figure below. The pulse delay consist of a chain of an even number of inverters, and the matched delay of a chain of AND gates, where the longest path of the matched delay is equal to the corresponding delay of the critical path of the combinational logic.

DLX Synthesis

The main problem was to instruct the tool not to optimize out the chain of AND gates and the chain of inverters that the tool thinks is redundant logic. This problem was finally solved by adding ``KEEP'' constraints to the wires that connect the gates of the delay element. This constraint has the effect that the wires are kept through the mapping despite their redundancy and the gates that the wires originate from are kept too. One limitation of this constraint is that in the case that the inputs of a two-input gate are the same wire, a ``KEEP'' constraint conflict is produced. The only way to get around this conflict is to convince the tool that the two inputs are not exactly the same wire. This has been achieved by adding two inverters before one of the two inputs. ``KEEP'' constraints have to be added to the wires that connect the extra inverters otherwise they will be optimized out. More information on the constraints in Xilinx devices, refer to the Xilinx software manuals.

Our asynchronous DLX has five pipeline stages, which are separated by flip-flops. Asynchronous controllers provide the flip-flops with the appropriate signals so that the data move safely from one pipeline stage to the other. In order for these signals to arrive at the flip-flops at approximately the same moment, we used low skew lines. However, this approach proved to be insufficient for the Instruction Decode and the Execute stage, which happen to be the two stages with the most combinatorial logic. The signals from the controllers had to be reinforced by buffers.

The datapath optimization was performed by optimizing each pipeline stage independently. Two timing groups have been created for each pair of stages of the pipeline. The first group contains all the flip-flops of the pipeline stage that the signals to be analyzed begin from. The second group contains all the flip-flops of the next pipeline stage. After applying ``FROM-TO'' constraints to the generated groups, a timing analysis is performed to the path that the groups form. The results of the static timing analysis represent the delay of the datapath. This delay shows the minimum delay that the delay elements must have in order for the circuit to operate correctly.

It is necessary to emphasize that the delay elements were excluded from the optimization of the datapath for two reasons. The first reason is that the delay elements do not belong to the datapath and the second reason is that we are not interested in minimizing the delay of a delay element, but rather bounding it within predefined limits. The synthesis directive for the exclusion of the delay elements from the timing optimization is the ``TIG'' constraint (a.k.a. Timing IGnore).

VGA Controller

The clock of the VGA controller has half the frequency of the clock that the board provides. The board has a clock of 20ns (50 MHz) and the VGA controller needs a clock of 40ns (25MHz). In order to create the appropriate frequency for the VGA controller, we used a clock divider that has as input the clock that the board provides and outputs the clock for the VGA controller. The clock divider is configured to divide the clock frequency by a factor of 2. For more information on the use of clock dividers in Xilinx devices, refer to the Xilinx software manuals.

The clock signal of the VGA controller has been configured as a low skew line. No other synthesis attributes have been applied to the VGA controller.