

[ICS-2119] Call for expression of interest for a position of a Research Associate in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
We seek an experienced member for our team, a Research Associate, with strong background in European Research Projects. The candidate will participate in the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the project “CYBERUNITY: Community for Integrating and Opening Cyber Range Infrastructures that Build an Interoperable CrossDomain and Cross-Sector Cyber Range Federation, funded under DIGITAL- ECCC-2022-CYBER-03”. The candidate will participate in all aspects of the project with focus to scientific and educational aspects, creating CR scenarios and training material and participate in all management and reporting activities with the aim of developing of an interoperable community of Cyber Ranges, following the concept of the “Cyber-Range-as-a-Service” (CRaaS), along with the first overarching Knowledge Repository for cyber ranges that will be developed.
Laboratory: DISCS
Date of announcement: 20-11-2023
Closing date: 05-12-2023
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: Ρ0ΟΩ469ΗΚΥ-ΠΘ8)
[ICS-2118] Call for expression of interest for a position of a Research Associate in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
We seek an experienced member for our team, a Research Associate, with strong background in European Research Projects. The candidate will participate in the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the project “CYBERUNITY: Community for Integrating and Opening Cyber Range Infrastructures that Build an Interoperable CrossDomain and Cross-Sector Cyber Range Federation, funded under DIGITAL- ECCC-2022-CYBER-03. The candidate will participate in all requirement elicitation, R&D activities, components’ development, integration and plug-testing of all activities related with the development of an interoperable community of Cyber Ranges, following the concept of the “Cyber-Range-as-a-Service” (CRaaS), along with the first overarching Knowledge Repository for cyber ranges that will be developed.
Laboratory: DISCS
Date of announcement: 20-11-2023
Closing date: 05-12-2023
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: Ρ90Ν469ΗΚΥ-ΣΛ0)
[ICS-2117] Call for expression of interest for a position of a Project Manager Assistant in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
We seek an experienced member for our team, a Project Manager Assistant, with a background and experience in EU organizations and European research projects, with focus on Information Technology. The candidate should be able to organize work teams, track work progress conducted in the context of the project, promote project results, conduct financial reporting and assist in exploiting project outcomes. Experience in cybersecurity, Internet of Things or Circular Economy would be advantageous. The candidate will participate in the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the project “CYBERUNITY: Community for Integrating and Opening Cyber Range Infrastructures that Build an Interoperable CrossDomain and Cross-Sector Cyber Range Federation, funded under DIGITAL- ECCC-2022-CYBER-03". The candidate will participate in all aspects of the project with focus to Project Management, including financial and personnel planning, communication with EU representatives (when needed), organization of outreach events and all dissemination activities of the project.
Laboratory: DISCS
Date of announcement: 20-11-2023
Closing date: 05-12-2023
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 902Μ469ΗΚΥ-ΥΨ6)
[ICS-2116] Call for expression of interest for a position of Information System Expert in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
The candidate will participate in the R&D work of FORTH within the TRUSTEE project. We are looking for an information system expert to be part of the team designing and implementing a system to enable trusted and private preserving computing platforms to access cross border federation of data in order to improve the availability and quality of multidisciplinary big-data sources, from various sectors including the health domain, in a trustworthy, fair, responsible, and environmentally friendly manner, across the data lifecycle to enable data sharing and manipulation, in compliance with prevailing and emerging legislation. The candidate will be involved in defining policies regarding sharing and access of knowledge, perform a systematic gap analysis with a focus on European Data spaces elicit the TRUSTEE Stakeholders requirements given the outcomes of the project analysis for barriers & contributing factors regarding solutions acceptance & assure TRUSTEE will meet these needs and support the design and define in detail the overall TRUSTEE architecture of the system.
Απόφαση Παράτασης

Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 20-11-2023
Closing date: 27-12-2023
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: ΨΡΥΣ469ΗΚΥ-129)
[ICS-2115] One (1) position of a PostDoc Researcher for AI model validation
The candidate will participate in the R&D work of FORTH within the RadioVal project. We are looking for a Post Doc Researcher to be part of the team to be part of the team designing, implementing and testing a number of applications managing personal information of patients regarding Breast Cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The candidate will design and implement a data harmonization and semantic integration techniques for heterogeneous and multi-scale personal health data.
Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 20-11-2023
Closing date: 05-12-2023
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 6ΒΕΓ469ΗΚΥ-Β33)
