Terrestrial Invaders is a descendent of the Access Invaders game that also follows the principles of UA-Games. Some indicative screenshot are illustrated in Figure 1. Just like its predecessor, the game is packed with several accessibility features that can be switched on and off, both off-line and on-the-fly. These features include:
Figure 4: Terrestrial Invaders screenshots:a. Graphical sound captions; b. Large size graphics; c. High inverse contrast; d. Simple graphics
The game can be played using diverse alternative controls and interaction techniques, such as:
As was the case with Access Invaders, multiple concurrent players are supported, as well as multiple enemy groups. Each player can play against all or specific enemy groups, the characteristics of which (e.g., size, speed, firepower, etc.) can be adjusted to fit that player, so that players with diverse abilities can co-operatively play the same game, following the concept of Parallel Game Universes.
The game was developed in a preview version of Actionscript 3.0 using Adobe Flash® Professional 9 Public Alpha. The entire game and all its individual parameters (lives, speed, difficulty, controls, sounds, captions, colors, graphics, firepower, etc.) are loaded from a standard XML file. Thus, using any text editor it is quite simple and straightforward to create new versions of the game or extend the current one with new levels. Furthermore, it is possible to add new graphics and sounds through external Flash libraries.
Terrestrial Invaders is actually a byproduct of the development process of Game Over!, the world's first universally inaccessible game. Terrestrial Invaders, through its various accessibility features, is able to address most of the accessibility guidelines that Game Over! violates.