
[ICS-2272] ICS Director
Announcement for the position of Director, Institute of Computer Science (in greek only)
Date of announcement: 06-11-2024
Closing date: 20-01-2025


[ICS-1499] One (1) position of student enrolled in a University Graduate Program in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related fields
We seek a student enrolled to a University Graduate Program for our team with a strong background in machine learning and/or statistical analysis. The candidate will participate in our exciting new computational neuroscience project entitled “Neuronal Networks in Epilepsy−Deciphering the Role of Ac[vity Paerns in Focal Cor[cal Seizures” funded by the Fondation Santé. The main focus of the project is to decipher how abnormal activity patterns emerge across different cortical-neuron types, what EEG-patterns they correspond with, and how they evolve into full-fledged seizure events. For that, we apply various machine-learning and statistical analysis algorithms to identify what abnormal interactions between pyramidal neurons and different types of interneurons allow hyper-synchrony (seizure) to emerge. Researchers from Harvard Medical School participate actively in this project by providing datasets and helping in the biological interpretation of the results. The candidate will participate in various data analysis and dissemination activities in the context of the project. Prior experience in machine learning, data science, and statistical analysis is an important aspect for the project. Experience in computational neuroscience is a plus but not a prerequisite.
Laboratory: TNL
Date of announcement: 17-02-2020
Closing date: 03-03-2020
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 9ΨΔΩ469ΗΚΥ-Α2Ψ)
[ICS-1498] One (1) position for a Software Engineer as personal health record expert
The candidate will participate in the R&D work of FORTH within the MyPal project. We are looking for an experienced software engineer to design and implement systems enabling efficient and effective self-management mobile applications for cancer patient and the respective platform for data mining of speech and text with the end goal to maximize information and enhance knowledge generation through a conversational agent.
Laboratory: CBML
Date of announcement: 17-02-2020
Closing date: 03-03-2020
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 6ΖΘΒ469ΗΚΥ-ΨΛΖ)
[ICS-1497] Call for expression of interest for two (2) positions of students enrolled to University Graduate Programs in the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
The candidates will carry out assisting duties for the project, covering general research support. For the project’s technical aspects, they are expected to assist in software maintenance tasks, indicatively handling tasks such as overlooking the execution of distributed simulations/emulations, automating processes and assisting in writing reports.
Laboratory: TNL
Date of announcement: 13-02-2020
Closing date: 28-02-2020
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: 9ΙΞΓ469ΗΚΥ-ΥΦΔ)
[ICS-1496] Μία (1) θέση έκτακτου προσωπικού για Κάτοχο Μεταπτυχιακού τίτλου σπουδών στην Πληροφορική
Ερευνητική μελέτη, ανάπτυξη και αξιολόγηση ερευνητικών πρωτοτύπων για την αναπαράσταση επιχειρημάτων και συζητήσεων και για την ανάλυσή τους και εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων. Ανάπτυξη επιδείξιμων συστημάτων εφαρμογής των παραπάνω μεθοδολογιών. Συμμετοχή στην αξιολόγηση των παραπάνω συστημάτων σε πραγματικό περιβάλλον. Υπεύθυνος διάχυσης του έργου DebateLab, με καθήκοντα όπως η ανάπτυξη και συντήρηση της ιστοσελίδας του έργου και των αντίστοιχων κοινωνικών δικτύων, συμμετοχή σε σχετικές εκδηλώσεις .
Laboratory: ISL
Date of announcement: 13-02-2020
Closing date: 28-02-2020
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: ΨΥΩ9469ΗΚΥ-8ΛΥ)
[ICS-1495] Call for expression of interest for one (1) position of student enrolled to University Graduate Programs in Computer Science or Computer Engineering at the Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
We seek one (1) member of student enrolled to University Graduate Programs for our team. The candidate will participate in the R&D activities of FORTH in the context of the project: “EuroExa, Co-designed Innovation and System for Resilient Exascale Computing in Europe: From Applications to Silicon”. The EuroEXA FETHPC H2020 project targets to provide the template for an upcoming exascale system by co-designing and implementing a petascale-level prototype with ground-breaking characteristics. To accomplish this, the project takes a holistic approach innovating both across the technology and the application/system software pillars.
Laboratory: CARV
Date of announcement: 11-02-2020
Closing date: 26-02-2020
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: ΨΓ2Ρ469ΗΚΥ-ΧΦΤ)
