

[ICS-1117] Up to ten (10) positions of Systems Software Developers and Hardware Designers/Architects at the Scientist/Engineer or Trainee or PostDoc Levels
Up to 10 positions, in system design, implementation, validation and evaluation roles, at various seniority levels
Laboratory: CARV
Date of announcement: 01-08-2017
Closing date: 31-03-2018
Μία (1) θέση ερευνητή Β’ βαθμίδας
Μία (1) θέση ερευνητή Β’ βαθμίδας με γνωστικό αντικείμενο: «Υπολογιστική Όραση με έμφαση στη Μοντελοποίηση Παραμορφώσιμων Αντικειμένων»
Date of announcement: 20-07-2017
Closing date: 31-08-2017,
[ICS-1115] Early-stage researcher in storage architectures using emerging storage devices
The goal of the position is to examine how future storage systems should be architected to take advantage of new storage devices for improving the capabilities and efficiency of Big Data applications. This work will provide the ground-work for shifting storage architectures from centralized SANs to distributed approaches over low-latency devices. It will examine techniques for achieving the required performance and reliability, while offering increased flexibility.
Laboratory: CARV
Date of announcement: 21-06-2017
Closing date: 07-07-2017
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: ΨΥ9Γ469ΗΚΥ-0ΒΥ)
[ICS-1114] Μία (1) θέση ερευνητή Β’ βαθμίδας
Μία (1) θέση ερευνητή Β’ βαθμίδας με γνωστικό αντικείμενο: «Στατιστική Επεξεργασία σημάτων με έμφαση σε εφαρμογές σε εικόνα, βίντεο και οικονομικές χρονοσειρές»
Date of announcement: 16-05-2017
Closing date: 23-06-2017,
[ICS-1113] Computer Systems Engineer
One (1) position of Computer Systems Engineer with preference in for experienced MSc-level scientists/engineers
Laboratory: DiSCS
Date of announcement: 20-04-2017
Closing date: 05-05-2017
Available Results :
DIAVGEIA Search Number: ( with ADA: ΩΔΓ7469ΗΚΥ-ΕΟ7)
